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There is no doubt that more and more people throughout the world are looking for ways to live a more meaningful, purposeful life. There are large numbers of souls who feel that this life is so hopeless especially when they constantly see the depredations and the terrible things perpetrated by on and against others with total disregard of the consequences. Many others seen and believe that the only purpose of life is the pursuit of happiness and wealth. The founder of the discipline of psychiatry, Victor Frankel, wrote that it is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts its attainment. While happiness is an emotion felt in the here and now, it ultimately fades away, as all emotions eventually do. Feelings of pleasure are fleeting, here now, gone tomorrow. Meaning on the other hand, is enduring and is also about transcending the present moment. People who spend more time thinking about the future or of past struggles, have more meaning in there lives in the form of a clearly defined purpose. Even when they are feeling down or going through a time of despondency they know it is only for a while since there belief in a meaningful life remains firm, regardless. Frankel also wrote; everything can be taken from a man, but one thing that cannot ever be taken is his freedom to choose his own attitude, to choose his/her own way, to find meaning even in the most trying or terrible of circumstances. There is no doubt that those who have purpose and meaning in life increase their overall well-being and life satisfaction, and as a result improve their mental and physical health and self esteem. It has also been shown that such people conclusively state this meaning derives in large part from giving away a part of themselves, in other words living as much as possible a selfless life.
Against this positive and meaningful life, there are many who, weary of life's ongoing hardships ask themselves from time to time 'why am I here, what's the point of it all'. Actually, they are really looking for meaning and purpose in their lives. In reality, there is no secret to this, its way or path just lies buried a little beneath the surface of the mind and heart and discovering this is one of the greatest and noble things a person can undertake. To find that path there are ways and patterns which will ultimately lead one into that more meaningful life which can be used as a guide. Firstly, one has to look at ones attitude to life in general, are you a taker or a giver? Do you expect life to constantly shower you with her beneficence, or do you rather bow before her majesty and beauty in reverence and humbly ask that she bless you. Do you give often to others in the way of help, love and kindness? If so, you are already well on your way to a more meaningful life. Find your significance, make valuable contributions to others whether it be in the form of goods, or writings, or projects, or as a care giver, etc, as long as you are giving of yourself. Ascertain what matters the most to you in the world then make a impact with it, as long as this is self giving and not self serving.
It is important to choose wholeness over happiness which is transient, fleeting, here today, and gone tomorrow. Certainly if happiness comes your way embrace it, but don't let it fool you since it is so fickle and short lived. Strive rather for wholeness or holistic being within your mind and heart, through reflection and through meditation and the reading of uplifting literature so that when faced with disappointments, sadness, frustrations or failure you will know that when these come, and come they will for they are a integral part of earthly living, they will not sweep you away since you are already firmly anchored in the soil of wholeness and meaningful well being. Be intentional. You need to be fully intent about building powerful meaning in your life, do not disregard the opportunities that could potentially add to a meaningful life. Sometimes the answers to creating meaning in our lives lies in the small opportunities around us where we can connect with others. Another aspect is to be willing or to dare to take risks because this means stepping out of your comfort zone. Meaning won't come knocking on your door, you have to actively seek it out by stepping away from the mundane. Another point to consider is that of relationships which give so much meaning to life. In fact meaningful and close relationships have been instrumental in moving many people into spheres or areas where they have shone and whose lives thereafter have become even more meaningful. Trusting, sharing and giving relationships are the oceans, in a sense, in which we can find huge meaning. There are sadly many who cut themselves off from meaningful relationships fearing to get hurt. Of course there are many who have had bad relationship experiences but that is all the more reason to carry on looking for a better and more meaningful one where ones love and sharing are reciprocated. Lastly believe that you are significant because how can you find this if you don't believe you are capable of being significant.
In fact the truth is that we may have changed more peoples lives for the good than we give ourselves credit for.
If you struggle with valuing yourself and feeling worthy, try to tell yourself every day that you are important and needed in the great cosmic scheme of things and in time you will truly believe it.
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