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As I told you in my last blog, I met with a medium Bernie Scott and it was quite a unique experience-- sort of an experiment you might say. We connect once a year and I journal everything as her messages often come to light months following these sessions. A few days leading up to our appointment, I sat in several meditations asking the Universe specific questions - but adding a new twist- I requesting that my answers come through Bernie.
I am an author illustrator working on my own books. This is new for me as in the past I design for clients and I have been channeling a story that centers on endangered wildlife. I will not go into detail as it's currently in production, but basically all of my questions for this medium focused on my books.
Two months ago my sister's 62 year old husband Lee died suddenly as a result of a rare blood cancer. This post describes this experience. Prior to his passing I packed up all of my belongings and moved in with my sister thinking I would be there to help him during his recovery, never expecting his tragic death. I was able to be there when the dust settled and the phone calls and flowers faded... my 2 week visit turned into 6. During my reading an incredible gift was given to me when Lee arrived singing a song about Pine Trees - his home is surrounded by them and his favorite golf course is named Southern Pines. He thanked me for everything I did and told me that his wife, although still grieving, is coming along strongly and he feels part of it has to do with my healing energy. He spoke of a hawk and I was reminded of his memorial service on the golf course where a lone hawk circled overhead as my daughter played Amazing Grace on her clarinet. He then proceeded to show Bernie a scene that mirrored one I have witnessed in meditations again and again, for several years now. She described it perfectly and told me Lee was taking me to this place to help me with my writing. I interrupted her to explain that it was the exact place in my meditations and that I was writing a story based on this. She thought it all seemed very odd -"where are you taking me?" she asked. He then explained that he wanted to help with the books in appreciation for what I have done for my sist

er. I was quite moved and thanked him. He described a location that I have researched for this endangered animal story and this reading gave me the validation that I was hoping for.
I still had one more question I was hoping to find an answer for. A few years ago I was given a mysterious message. I was told that I would be working in video production regarding my own project. I worked as a professional video editor years ago and have moved onto publishing and none of this made any sense. I was hoping my session with Bernie would enlighten me. I had asked for some clarity regarding this during my meditations. She saw a screen with me speaking about my book and described the animal that my children's book is based on. I was speaking on camera about the reality of what I am writing about. This video blogging will be connected to my book and it will help bring awareness, I will inspire many people, then the computer screen turned into a TV screen and she laughed and said "oh my, I think you are going to get noticed big time!"
Next my parents stopped by to describe in detail a few activities they had witnessed recently and we had a good laugh. My mother showed Bernie two books open and one book shut. This was to confirm that they are keeping a close watch on my work. In truth I currently have two children's books (part one and two) and another book that is unrelated. It's wonderful to know my mom and dad are cheering me on- how fantastic is that?
So what did I learn from all of this? By using meditation to ask questions prior to my reading I was able to gain insight to valuable information that has been waiting for me. I must admit this was an experiment, but I am convinced that our guides and loved ones are always there to help us. Why not begin asking today- give this method a try and see what answers you receive. My results have left me feeling confident that I am moving in the right direction. If you would like to reserve a session with Bernie Scott please visit her website for details.
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