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Chrissie Batten
Spiritual Counsellor,
Reiki Master,
This wasn’t the post I intended to write, but it sort of became A Spontaneous Post that surfaced within me, that needed to be released from my mind! So I’m just going with it, and allowing these words to go where they need to be, with the intention that they may help someone out there, who is struggling to understand why their life is so shit!!
Life, for many, has been a succession of failed attempts, failed relationships, jobs, ambitions, and failed, thus forgotten or rejected dreams. We think this is our fault, when our world is so fruitless. We think we are to blame because we’re not good enough in some way, or because we’re doing something wrong!
But what if everything that has happened to us, is how it was meant to be?
Even though our life has been reduced from the world we once knew, what if that world was meant to be shattered. What if we were meant to be torn away from our past, and hurtled into a different world that we know nothing of, in order that we could rise like the phoenix from the ashes, into a new way of being?
Sounds stupid, ludicrous to think it’s okay to suffer as we have, lose what we’ve lost! But what if, in the grand scheme of life, those things that meant so much to us, were actually worthless in the energetic world that we are evolving into?
We’ve all been waiting for change to come. We wanted to feel better, more calm and less worried about how we can survive the global crisis that we can’t do anything about! Yet even though we thought we could do nothing, believing we were impotent, the reality is that we’ve been doing all we were meant to be doing, to enable the change in our life to manifest the new world. A world where instead of failed dreams, there is fulfilment, success, aspirations, love and good health!
I don’t know about you, but I want that world! So how can we get it? Where the devil is it, because we can’t see it anywhere YET…? But time moves quickly now, and it will start to shine through very soon, giving us hope, letting us know that there really is another way to live!!
Those on a spiritual path will know that these changes have been manifesting, increasing gravity for some years now, and would have been working with the energy to make their life easier. It hasn’t been easy though! It has been like living in hell, struggling each day with challenges that we’d rather not face. Where we feel our energy sapping and wonder just how much longer we can carry on like we are, as we wonder how much strength we have left, asking ourselves ’Can we survive this transition, or will we die in the process?’.
Yet even though we feel this way, we understand we are involved in a process. A spiritual, soul, energetic process that could transform the human race as we know it! So we know this process takes time, has different stages we have to manage and cope with, and realise that we have to find a way to manage our thoughts, our emotions, our selves, relationships and lives, in such a way, that we reduce confrontation, withholding how we feel, blaming, shaming and opting out.
We know we have to quell our increasing fear and go with the energetic flow that will set us free from our own self-restrictive nature, that has made us an easy target for those in authority, who want to exude their power and supremacy over us!
So what about those who do not know about energy, evolution, earth changes etc. What happens to them? We are like lambs going to the slaughter, unless we have awareness! As our awareness is our protective armour, that shields

Insight Pocket Cards by
Chrissie Batten
us from the predatory energy pull that we have to face daily, from those that profit from our fear!
Their soul will know about everything, and will prompt them when the time comes, to take the right action to keep themselves safe, and take them where they need to be. Although hard to remember at times, there’s no need to panic about changes that can only benefit us all.
However, we all have to understand that currently our life is governed by an ego that dictates….
The choices we make!
The actions we take!
How we manage our reactive nature!
How we perceive ourselves to be!
……But this has to change!!
So when you are faced with situations that you find hard to control, think about what would happen if you just let them pass you by! Out of work, another failed relationship, something else lost? If it means you will set yourself free from your fear, then let these things happen! But instead of focussing on the worst thing that could happen, think about the best!
E.g…If I lost my job I would have more time to devote to ???! If me and ? broke up, I would be free to find a more positive relationship? If I lost ?, then maybe I don’t need it as much as I thought!
We cannot create a new, better world whilst we strive to stay within our comfort zone! We have to allow ourselves to emerge beyond our fear, in order to complete our soul purpose, which is to be different than we are now!
I don’t think I feel scared anymore! Not like before anyway, where I was terrified so much of the time! I know the world will carry on with or without me! But I also know there has to be more to life than what we know! There has to be a better way to live and love, rather than struggling to keep what we’ve got, and fearing loss of the things we’ve gathered in our life!
Regardless of how some are predicting catastrophes, the end of the world is NOT nigh! But the world as we know it is going to change, and so are we! So let’s use our mind-power to ensure that the new things that enter our existence are brought in on waves of love, not fear! As what we have to realise is, that we are the one who determine what our future holds for us! And if we struggle to stay as we are, nothing in our life will change!
Also, the only real price we pay for our freedom, is setting ourselves free from our fear!
It’s bonfire night, and a great, symbolic time for letting go of the past.
Here’s a simple exercise to help you release tension…
Sit somewhere quiet, relax, close your eyes…
Simply imagine a bonfire in your mind. See the yellow flames burning high, hear the crackling of the flames.
See the yellow flames turn to violet. This is violet flame of transmutation. It is the healing flame!
Mentally throw all your problems, troubles, anxiety etc., into the flames.
Watch the violet flames soar high as all the negativity is transmuted by the power of the violet flames!
Do this exercise until you feel a sense of release, relief, calmness inside.
Take a deep breath in and out. Give thanks to the violet flame for assisting you this day.
Frequently affirm that ‘All is well in my world’ to create a new neural pathway.
Our negative experiences are our training courses. And without them we would remain inept! And whilst there may be many standing, watching, it only takes one person who has courage and tenacity, to lead the way to change the world!
Could that person be you?
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