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We all strive to attain and access our own inner wisdom and peace, and at times we can tap into this and be reassured that there is a wisdom and presence of our soul that lies deep within us. We are now aligning and working with the Cosmic Heart conciousness, and all ways of living and being are led by the heart.
Inside each one of us is our own angelic essence, our own inner angel as such. Deep within our souls knowledge and wisdom lies the capability to communicate with the angelic consciousness. We can access this gift and essence, and just by being willing and setting the intention facilitates this to activate and open. Many of you will be already communicating with your angels, you just don't realise it.
Many times angels communicate to us by dropping thoughts and ideas into our minds, sometimes we will not know the difference and will be happy sometimes to act on those thoughts and ideas not actually realising that it was Angelically inspired as such.
There is no right way or wrong way to communicate with them, we all assimilate and receive information in different ways. Some of us hear the information first and some read it first, some feel it first, whatever way its the right way for you.
You may ask how do I turn on or activate my own inner angel or angelic presence, well most of you reading this will already have it turned on.
It's only your minds that prevent you from believing or actually realising that you are in fact communicating already, you can strengthen that connection by acknowledging your own inner Angel, and asking to work with that inner Angel to assist you in connecting and communicating more frequently and stronger with the Angels. Just open that heart of yours and let them in fully, know that they have your best interests at heart, they hold no hidden agendas. They have access to your very soul's unique flavour and essence. They know why you are here, they know what you what to learn by being here, and they know all of your skills, gifts and abilities.
They can assist you in really polishing and accessing those beautiful diamonds inside of you, they can lead you to a blissful life, were you are living your dreams, living your purpose and living in harmony with others and nature on this beautiful planet.
In years to come, Angels will be seen as normal for everybody to acknowledge and feel and see if they want too, children will be shown how to connect from an early age and be actively encouraged to keep that connection. Angels will be able to assist us in all sorts of ways further as the planet finally releases its obsession with power, corruption and greed.
If you are not happy with your life, if you feel unfulfilled, if you feel like life is passing you by and you have something to do or if you feel stuck, then it's time to do something about it. And the best bit is, there is help from the Angels to assist you in all the ways that you feel stuck.
Ask for a sign from your Angels that is pertinent to you, and then wait and see, you have all the tools inside of you to succeed in this life, you have all the wisdom, knowledge that you will ever need, right inside you, take a chance ! What have you got to loose! Open your eyes and invite them in fully and see the transformation begin!
Lynn Morris
Author, Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, Energy Healer
Author Of Learning To dance With The Angels
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