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Each month close to the full moon on The Wirral I hold a Moon Circle to share the ancient teachings of the moon; we gather together in a spirit of love and community. Since beginning my circle, other circles have been created in the UK and abroad joining us together in the old ways of honouring the moon.
The moon is full on June 28th in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and while Saturn has various meanings it is also associated with the mother; the moon is the mother and so we have very powerful mother energy with us at this full moon.
Here are the teachings for this month’s full moon:
Draw down the light of Sirius in through your Crown filling up with this Starlight and radiating it around you and into your circle.
The Teachings
The combination of the full moon and its presence in the sign of Saturn asks us to look at the mother energy within us. Most people have a wound within them and for those of us who follow this spiritual path we are Chiron, the wounded healer; we are the wounded one, the wounder and the healer all intertwined and it is because of this that we can help others.
The inner wound is the emotional pattern which was created often in early life and which has set the scene for our emotional problems throughout life until the pattern is broken. Usually the wound is either the mother wound or the father wound and I find in most cases it is a mother wound. This means that there have been issues with one parent which have been at the root of emotional patterning.
With all this mother energy from the full moon we can now go within and look at the mother energy within us. You may have had a wonderful relationship with your mother in which case you can understand and appreciate this even more or you may have had issues with your mother so you now have the opportunity to heal this fully. Your mother may be in spirit and so she can now draw closer to guide you and bring you the nurturing which only a mother can and if your mother is still upon this Earth then you will be given a greater understanding and love for her.
You’re going to be given three mother archetypes to work with and they will enable you to heal and understand your own mother and also they will bring to you the wonderful nurturing love of the mother to help you to heal and to let you know that you are always looked after.
Draw down the mothering light of this full moon and fill up with it, filling every part of you and then see that light radiating out into your aura.
As you look through the white light you will see before you the goddess Danu, the great mother goddess of the Irish Celts. She is the Queen of fertility and the goddess of the flowing waters. She is dressed in the colours of the land and the sea, in greens and blues and these colours seem to vibrate all around her. You feel her energy which is powerful and free and loving and filled with life and as she reaches out her hand to you you know that you must follow her. She takes you deep into the land to where the waters flow in the form of streams, rivers and waterfalls for you were born of water from your mother.
Danu leads you into running water and she holds you as the water flows over you, flowing, cleansing and purifying your whole being. When this has been done she leads you on to a mossy seat and as you sit together she places her hand upon your heart. Your heart opens and opens and all the memories from the whole of your life regarding your mother begin to flow out of you and you share them with her. You share your sorrows and pain regarding your mother and you share your joy and your love which you have experienced with her. She listens to you and she counsels you and she explains so many things about your mother; she gives you the wisdom to understand why your mother did things in ways that may have caused you emotional pain and she shares her light on the deep connection which existed between the two of you.
The Ceremony
Your dress yourself in your white priestess gown for the ceremony which you are about to perform.
A crystal chalice is held up to the moon and filled with moonlight which is also the light of the mother energy. Bless the contents of the chalice and drink deeply from it.
Dressed in white and filled with the liquid moonlight you enter a Temple and go before the altar. You notice how the altar is dressed and how it looks so very beautiful. Your intention is to completely connect to the mother aspect of yourself so that you may become your own mother and so that you may always nurture and love yourself just as a mother would a child for you have within you all aspects of the goddess, the maiden, the mother and the Crone.
With your intention set you place your hands upon the altar and a very strong silver vibration fills your being and you know that you are not alone for appearing next to you is the great Hindu goddess Durga. Durga is the mother of the universe and she is the great protectoress and she will look after you in every way she can. She stands by your side dressed in the most amazing sari of such vibrant colours. Her left eye is the moon, her right eye is the sun and her third eye is a blazing fire.
She asks you now to place your hands upon the altar and to open your heart wider than it has ever been opened before. She then goes and stands behind you and she begins to chant the sacred sound of MA which means the mother. As she chants this sound the sound radiates out from her heart centre and into your heart centre through your back and she folds her arms around you as a mother would do and all you can feel is the love of a mother for you but as you feel that tremendous love and as you feel her loving you you then love yourself. The sound of MA fills every organ in your body, it fills every part of you, it fills your aura and that sound becomes pure love. In that moment you love yourself like never before for you become both the mother and the child, nurtured and Safe with pure unconditional love for yourself.
The Healing
The third mother archetype you are to work with is Mother Mary.
Mother Mary brings her pale blue Ray around you for this is always the colour she works upon. She will bring the most powerful healing to you for love is the greatest healer and a mother’s love is like none other.
I am going to play a song for this healing. Sound is so powerful whether we use sacred chants or a song and often the most powerful part of any sound healing is the silence which follows; there is the most incredible healing available in the sacred space which follows any sound work.
I would suggest that you play the Beatles, Let It Be, for this healing for the words are so relevant to this month’s full moon energy of the mother.
You may not wish to use it or you may have another song or chant which you feel drawn to.
Bring in the pale blue light and that will draw Mother Mary into the circle remembering that the blue light is Mother Mary, they are one and the same. As you are immersed in that light and the song is played Mary will draw close and bring the deepest healing to you. There are no instructions from her only her vibration to connect to which will enable you to receive your own visions and healing.
May you all become your own mother so that you will always have access to the nurturing and safety which only a mother’s arms can bring.
I wish you all a very blessed summer solstice; may the light of the Sun blend with the light of the moon to bring you deep and lasting peace.
With love Margaret
There are more teachings from previous months’ moon circles here:
If you would like to begin a moon circle in your area then I will be happy to pass on information to help you to do this. Although you can run a circle any way you want I send out teachings to all the moon circle teachers each month before the full moon and they can use these if they wish. Your contact details can also be added to the contacts page on the website.
If you are interested in beginning your own circle then please get in touch with me at:
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