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Aurora Brierley,The Faerie Whisperer
People often get a little confused over the difference between angels and spirit guides as did I a few years ago.
A couple of years ago I was lying in bed when this blue energy floated over me and disappeared through the wall. I lay stiff as I was unsure of what I had seen, had it been a spirit or my guardian angel. I learnt in time that it had been in fact my guardian angel, Michael. I was glad that I had gained Angelic Clarity on this and so began to read and learn more about the angelic beings that surround us daily.
So what are angels and why do we get them confused with Spirit Guides?
Angels are beings filled with pure love, light and truth of God that are with us every single second of the day. They guard, guide and inspire us through the day in order for us to make progress along our life’s pathway. However these angels which we call our Guardian Angels cannot interfere with our lives unless we ask for there help or it is a life or death situation in which we are involved and it is not our time to die.
We all have our own guardian angel and just like with spirit guides you don’t have to be special to have them. Your guardian angel loves you no matter what, as do your spirit guides. The main difference between these beings, as mentioned earlier is that angels have not been incarnate upon the earth plane before whereas spirit guides have. It is why our spirit guides can help us and guide us on earthly difficulties. They have been through a life similar to ours so they know how to best help us. Now these problems can also have the help of an angelic helper. The more the merrier.
We also have Archangels, which are angelic beings that are further up the hierarchy than guardian angels. Archangels are God’s messengers. We can call upon Archangels for specific reasons such as Archangel Michael for protection, Archangel Raphael for healing or Archangel Gabriel for communication and creativity. If you’re unsure of the exact Archangel you require, then just pop your request to Michael or your guardian angel and they will deliver it to the right one.
Who are the Archangels and what do they do?
Below is a list of the main Archangels and the tasks and roles that they fulfil.
Archangel Ariel
Often confused with Archangel Uriel, Ariel looks after the animals in the world, including the fish and birds. He also works closely with the faerie kingdoms and keeps water fresh.
Archangel Chamuel
Chamuel helps us to find things we’ve lost including people, finding our soul mate, and all relationships. He can also help with qualities such as joy, happiness, beauty, nurturing. He also helps us gain world peace.
Archangel Gabriel
Gabriel helps with all forms of communication and creative inspiration. People sometimes see Gabriel as a female angel or a female energy. Gabriel is well known for dictating the Koran to Mohammed.
Archangel Haniel
Haniel helps you to fulfil your life’s mission, guides you on all your angelic experiences, and also to overcome emotional turmoil. He is well known for escorting Enoch to the spiritual realms. Haniel is said to be associated with the moon and mystical/psychic energies. Ask Haniel to energize your crystals with the moon energy.
Archangel Jeremiel
Jeremiel has energy of love and protectiveness. He can help you with any psychic dreams, clairvoyance, and also the reincarnating of souls. He helps them with their review of the previous lives.
Archangel Metatron
Metatron is an important angel to help with all matters of spi
ritual growth. He is the angel who oversees the Akashic Records. He can guide you on spiritual development and teach you to become one with all. He was a human being created into an angel, making him the first to do so; he was also the twin of the Archangel Sandalphon. Other than spiritual growth, Metatron can help with children, relationships and careers.
Archangel Michael
Michael is the most well known of all Archangels. He is a great protector and guardian to all military personnel. Call upon him for all issues and times that make you feel unsafe.
Archangel Raguel
Raguel is said to keep all the other angels in order, and make sure they are doing what they should be. Raguel can help create harmony in non-harmonious areas of your life.
Archangel Raphael
Raphael is a great healer and guardian to all of the medical profession. He also helps travellers, so make sure you call upon him to help you have a safe journey, no matter where you are going.
Archangel Raziel
Raziel is the angel who can help you with areas of interest such as quantum physics, esoteric information, magical abilities, and psychic study. He is known as the Angel of Mysteries or Secrets. He can help you understand these secrets.
Archangel Sandalphon
Sandalphon is said to be one of the tallest angels in heaven. Call on Sandalphon to carry your prayers to heaven and to protect all children, born and unborn. He can also help parents who suffer from the Baby Blues. Call on him to ease your pain and help fill you with love not only for your child but most of all yourself.
Archangel Uriel
Uriel is one of the ‘main four Archangels’ He helps with studying, and exams (helped me personally many times for this), world healing, and the earth. He is said to also help with issues of manifestation.
Archangel Zadkiel
Zadkiel can help us one of the most difficult things we humans find to do, forgiveness. Although we think that by forgiving we are letting them ‘win’, we are in truth letting ourselves free from the restrictions we have placed upon ourselves.
What can I do to strengthen my connection to my guardian angel?
My two favourite ways to strengthen a connection to the angels are to create an angel journal and angel altar. They are also lots more ways to feel closer to the angels.
Angel Journal
An angel journal is a sort of diary that you can keep to keep all your special angelic things in such as;
Angel Prayers and Poems
Angel Messages
Angel Feathers
Angel pictures/postcards
Letters received from loved ones
Angel research you’ve conducted
List of your favourite angel shops
List of your favourite angel websites.
You can buy a plain notebook and decorate with angels, glitter or sequins, or you can purchase one already made from good retailers.
Angel Altar
Your angel altar is a focal point for all your angelic works. It should reflect your visions of angels and make you feel relaxed and surrounded by angels. This is the place where you can do angel meditations. Ways to decorate are as follows:
Beautiful scarf or material as a cloth
Crystals connected to the angels such as; angelite, celestite, clear quartz, rose quartz
Candles associated with the angels, silver, gold, blue, purple, white
Angel figurines
Angel cards and pictures
Incense such as; rose, jasmine, frankincense, violets
Your angel journal.
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