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Angels Magazine
We would proudly like to announce the launch of Angels Magazine!
The only exclusively channeled magazine in publication. Purely channeled messages direct from your Angels. Reaching out to Angels in training everywhere
The only exclusively channeled magazine in publication. Purely channeled messages direct from your Angels. Reaching out to Angels in training everywhere
Ever wondered what the angels think of Facebook, online dating and the economy?
This purely channeled magazine is like nothing you have ever read before. Each edition covers the history of the angelic realm, includes direct messages from the archangels, articles on modern life issues and meditations from these beautiful high vibrational beings themselves.
Everything within this magazine is uniquely channeled from the voices of angels. If you are looking to connect with your guardian angel then this is the magazine for you.
Angels Magazine will guide you through the process of seeing hearing and feeling your very own personal guardian angel. Audio messages, workshops and lessons from the world’s top Angel communicators are also included within each edition.
The basis of life is freedom, the purpose of life is joy, may the angels show you the way to your bliss via their articles and transcended messages.
This beautifully presented magazine is for angels in training everywhere. There is no better way to discover how to become an Earth Angel making this amazing planet our own heaven on Earth.
Archangel Michael:
We would like to thank you for connecting with us via this magazine. We have asked for a purely channeled magazine so that human influence does not get in the way of angelic guidance.
We have noticed the world changing. We have seen how the changes are effecting human behaviours in totality and want to ease the transition.
There is huge truth in the new age you may have heard of and there is going to be a new beginning. The end of the Mayan Calendar 21.12.12 has increased the vibration on the Earth plane and therefore you will all start to feel and sense more of the 'unknown' around you.
I, Archangel Michael, know this to be angelic and spirit energy that will soon become entwined with earthly energy.
We want to learn from humans too!
We would love for you to notice us more and be in sync with us so we can learn your ways. We act as messengers; so to understand human perception and earthly life is key to us sending messages back to help you along your journey.
Connecting with angels is going to be possible for all in years to come, help us speed up this process by learning how to connect. We have put processes together that the human mind can understand and we have listed them as exercises throughout Angels Magazine. To become an angel in training is to learn certain regimes that work for you – lifting your vibration to connect with us. We look forward to meeting you.
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