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Angels are not as we occasionally like to pigeon-hole them, as fluffy, sweet, do-gooder type beings. I do not suggest that they are not these qualities, instead I ask, with assistance from Archangel Raziel and Archangel Micheal that for a moment you allow yourself to be transported to a place where angels are pure light, a light of magnificence power and vibration. This light is so pure in terms of vibration that for a person to behold the entire magnitude of that force may surely mean they would combust on the spot! A high class army of lightworkers angels are understood on some levels and misunderstood on others. What I am being asked to do is demonstrate the seriousness that is being conveyed to through me by the angels, about our choices and ability to ask for assistance which is largely needed as we ascend.
Imagine, if every person on the planet asked just for today to have help from their angels how the planet would be transformed in an instant. They will not do the work for us, but asking is a serious life altering statement in terms of consciousness! This is our job as lightworkers, not to sit on our laurels and think of ourselves as saved but to remember to ask for continued support from the angelic army and to find ways that don't interfere with others free will, to encourage, inspire, liberate and demonstrate how that asking for angelic help is a logical and sensible action to take.
With every piece of good that comes into your reality from asking for angelic support, share this with others. Remember you asked in the first place, give thanks and remind those around you, that you indeed had help with your gift, miracle, answered prayer, lucky break! The world needs convincing, so don't force or push but do lead or offer should an opening arise.
The earth requires hope, more than ever so let go of trying to prove, but do shine your light, demonstrate your faith and trust and let others see the brilliance of how things always seem to work themselves out in your life. Let people into your secret, the secret of asking the angels. We are balancing our lightworking to a similar effort as the angel light bearers, we are learning to let go of a need to help others, we are understanding that we fall into ego if we look for a particular positive outcome or allow fear to cloud us, perhaps concerning the need of another to follow us and believe what we believe. We are floating out of this.
As we float and rise into the light streams of the fabric of the multidimensional universe we can breathe without trying, we flow in our own path and enjoy sharing knowledge, joy, light filled past times and discussions with others who are floating too. When we encounter non-floaters we are so strong in our own light and we no longer concern ourselves with fearing our bubble may be burst, we are both floating and walking in a groundedness that is a new reality. The angels reside in a similar place.
When we connect with angels we are being touched by a high encounter and the more we can maintain our levels of light the more frequently we will be able to download this connection. In my understanding we are more regularly being able to experience telepathy with the angels. We experience in waking activity angel communication that may normally be experienced beyond the veil, we can do this now because of our remembering and because of the light vibrations globally and within ourselves personally. We can develop these skills personally with training, understanding and a desire to reach higher.
Archangel Michael and Archangel Raziel provide me with an energetic signature that appears as many tiny light bulbs all sparking at once, inside this I can gain information about the message that conveys through me. One of these aspects of information is that angels are largely categorized or seen as less powerful than is common, the forces that make up what we call the angels are total brilliance of love power and can easily adapt to any shape or form. Light is most likely used however, this energy of the angelic nature is in its purest sense, no form. It is a human approach to make form and image to understand the angel. I also feel angel guidance is repeated back to us via our mind constructs, for example in a dangerous life threatening situation a voice may be heard, this is not actually an angels voice, I understand this to be a feature given to us from ourselves triggered by the force of the angelic vibration.
The Angels are ready to speak (however we perceive that), to us and to teach us about them, about ascension, about how to prepare ourselves for what is ahead (from linear perspective). We can bring the angels out of the closet and know that angels, in terms of all aspects of what we deem spiritual life, cannot be separated from the science of all life either. Angels are a frequency that is after all massively evolved and moves far greater in awareness than what our science is yet to comprehend. As lightworkers let’s feel excited about stepping out a little further in terms of expanding our ideas about angels and share our angel stories, ideas and thoughts with others. The angelic force has so much to give and is so non-desiring that it is beautiful, among the sea of angelic sparkles, there is a mist of love and light waiting to be utilized and experienced when we are ready. Maybe you feel ready today to ask for your fill of support, love, help and guidance. See what happens when you seek to co-create with the angelic light army! Many blessings x
Angel Mentor Training Course - Saturday 20th February 10am until 6pm - £75 (deposit required) (still a few spaces remaining!)
A New One day Course for 2010! The Angel Mentor Training is suitable for people who desire skills and education about how to offer angel wisdom and guidance as part of a business or career path and assisting others with healing and so on or alternatively it can be used to enrich one’s own healing purposes.
This day's course is intensive with lots of opportunity to practise and provides you with an understanding about how to become an Angel Mentor to guide others! The course ends with an Angel Mentor certificate and the individual is then able to be listed on the LightworkersUnite website as an Angel Mentor, should you so wish. You will receive a combination of both learning deeply about angels yourself and demonstrations on how to teach and guide others with this information.
The course is facilitated by Hanna Ehlers ATP MNFSH, who is an Angel Therapist, trained and certified by Doreen Virtue on the island of Kona, Hawaii. Hanna uses both the skills learned via her Angel Therapist training and her own understanding and work with angels to bring forward a high frequency approach to angel work. Angels are not all fluffy and sweet, they are massively powerfully evolved beings of light, who are currently assisting us greatly with the earth changes and Archangel Raziel and Michael are assisting me with bringing though their most crucial and timely messages, which suggests we must not pigeon-hole their presence and ability to assist, but that we can bring in more room for people now to ask for their help!
The following exercises and activities will be part of the course, along with more additions as needed at the time:
Information about angels and archangels, how they work with us, how they assist us, who are the archangels, how to we communicate, understanding their energies and abilities etc
Angel Healing including cord cutting, vaccuming, chakra work, visualisation work etc
Angel guidance, including angel card readings and other readings
Angel Sound Healing Channeled meditation.
Work will be done in a small group and in pairs. Refreshments will be provided throughout the day a packed lunch will be needed for the lunch break.
Course fees: £75 (non-refundable deposit of £25 required on booking)
Should you wish for more information or to book on the course, please contact Hanna on: 07703022120 or email
[email protected]
For more information about Angels, Ascension, Lightworking and Angel Mentor Training Courses see
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