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It did work
I was recently asked after I wrote a facebook comment of how my house used to be seriously haunted.
Question from a young girl
"how did you cleanse your house? an air pump randomly turned on & loud knocking on my headboard a few times ...whats your ritual?"
My answer was
There were 2 separate rituals actually..
Firstly a lady and I spent 4 hrs to get the success.
She bought herbs I will look for them as I had never heard of them before.
She and I did a few different things with the herbs so we separated them into piles
One was to put into filted water and simmer while we both had turns stiring over a cooker.
This was when we smelt the most wonderful perfume. She said it is the smell of the fairies. I could not stop myself sniffing all the herbs separately and then in a handful as I desperately wanted to be able to replicate this magical aroma, but alas.
Next we parcelled up one pile into small paper packets and stuck over all internal doorways.
The rest we burnt while I saw the evil and kindly told it to leave.
( it turned into a sort of exorcism as i saw and tried removing my crazy neighbours image. I saw her surrounded by a weird evil orange blob . Eerie it was.
We kept the brew to spray on my person as as continued protection.
Also i took incense sticks outside and put one in each corner of the house kindly wishing
The magical herbs were Wood Betany, Black Snake Root and Boneset.
I think that was all.
Anoter magical day a young man came to help.
He had made me a bundle of carefully collected feathers bounded together with a bell.
He had a large black candle to burn.
Downstairs he burnt it and sorry I didnt hear what he chanted
Then instructed me to go to every room and use my instincts to clense it.
Meaning just to imagine the unique feel and heavy areas every room has
I used standard white sage and wooshed it in to the top and bottom corners with my feathers tool while I spoke to myself of what I felt.
And it did work
I hope this has helped someone today.
Please email me
[email protected]
For any questions
the unique herbs packets I kept all these years.
And it did work
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