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Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel
To a packed hall in the Philosophical Research Institute in New York, on February 24th, 1960, The Master Aetherius delivered, through the unusual Mental Channel, another Great Transmissions following 'The Appeal' by Mars Sector 6 entitled: Prepare Ye Oh Men.
''Good Evening, my dear friends.
I can add nothing to that which you have been told this evening, save to substantiate this in every way. There may by some Terrestrial people who believe in their dogmatic way, that that they could have made declarations similar to those just delivered. It is rather like this, you know; when Jesus was on Earth, He said many things to you, which a child could have said, but coming from Jesus, these things made the difference between absolute Truth and probability.
The declarations which have been delivered to you this evening are in every way TRUE. Therefore, it is up to you to take this Truth into your very Soul's. Take it into your reason now and if it is reasonable, then decide at this moment to ACT in accordance with your conclusions. Do not lack the courage to make conclusions. If you have this courage, then why not be prepared to act upon your own conclusions and perform an action which will be of Spiritual benefit to your Earth.
You will notice that not once throughout all the hundreds of Transmissions made to Terra have we ever suggested any political system for men to follow. There is no political system which has ever been adopted, or can ever be adopted, which will help Terra one bit. After careful examination, we know, beyond all doubt, that politics must be replaced by a Spiritual - note that please - Spiritual approach to World Unification.
Tune in, dear friends, to the great everlasting Light within yourselves and send this forth to all the people upon your Earth. Do you know what this means? Do you know that means to be lost and alone, searching for a way back to God? Some of you do. What happened? Somewhere down the line, someone helped you. They told you what to do in order to enhance that Great Realization of Godness within you. What did you think of them? Did you not think they were virtual saints? That they were virtually sent by the Lord Itself to help you?
With some practice those of you in the physical bodies here; those of you all over Terra, in physical bodies, who will hear this Transmission or read it, can become so Enlightened as to offer your hands of guidance to those searching. Have you ever left the physical bodies and gone on to the lower astral realms? If you have never wept in the whole of your existence, then, by the God's you would then! Seeing the grossly mutated life streams there, who have imposed limitation after limitation upon themselves until they are locked in a foul black dungeon. You should visit the hells. It would teach you all a great lesson, never to be forgotten through TWENTY THOUSAND LIVES!
My dear friends, go within. Contact the wondrous everlasting Spark of the Divine which is there within each and every one of you and then come ye outwards, cleansed, vibrant with this Mighty Force. Then, offer your hand to those who NEED your help, your guidance. To those who need to be led into their realization.
The Great Being from Mars - Mars Sector 6 - has told you to band together so that you may be better prepared to meet the numerous trials which will, shortly, have to be endured by you. Band together. Face these trials bravely and win and then, my friends, you can perform the great Spiritual Task of helping others to see the Truth of things, to perceive and appreciate the great aspects of Reality which exist within themselves.Spiritual Enlightenment - this is the great task for ye workers in these days. Perform it and then you will be risen up.
Know this: That your responsibilities are grave - very grave - but your opportunities are Divine - wholly Divine.
(The Master Aetherius then proceeds to give the attendees the benefit of His Invocation)
Thank you, my dear friends. Those of you who perform this Practice will not regret it.
Thank you. God Bless you and goodnight to you.''
''This is Mars Sector 6, reporting during a Special Transmission from Satellite No. 3, now in Orbit Luna. Special Announcement.
Satellite No. 3 will be in orbit of Terra at Midnight Greenwich Mean Time upon the day you refer to as the morrow. Tune in. Use these Powers and-Prepare Ye, Oh Workers.
This Transmission came through Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel, through Satellite No. 3, with the Sanction and Authority of Interplanetary Parliament, based upon the Planet Saturn.
This Transmission was an appeal to ALL Spiritual groups. Make it known as such. Act upon it as such. Take your rightful place, by doing so and Prepare Ye for your Cosmic Initiation!
All Transmissions now discontinued.''
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