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Months ago I was told by my guides that I would be attending a workshop regarding crystals. I sort of shrugged and didn't give it too much thought. It came up again and again in meditation almost as an urgent, "Don't question...just GO!" And so I told my spouse..."Um yeah..the crystals are calling me, I need to book a flight." Luckily he's used to all of this by now and just smiled.
I was led to a couple in Blue Ash, Ohio and as I navigated my rental car to their home I felt myself settling into a zone. Never having driven down this road, you'd think there'd be some anxiety...yet it all felt so natural. The moment I stepped into the room I was among friends. I had never met these people or these stones... however deep within we knew each other very well. Everyone attending was local. I was the only outsider– or was I? We all seemed to complete a circle.
As I listened to our competent instructor sharing her insights, I was moved by her compassion for the rocks. She and the stones were excellent communicators and I marveled at their ability to teach. Her husband sat beside her and offered assistance and they blended seamlessly and it warmed my heart. They truly have a deep appreciation for these living entities of the earth.
The crystals were speaking and as the workshop progressed, they carried me along in a river of love– love for myself, the students, the teacher, the universe and especially for the crystals themselves. For they were very much alive to me and I found myself in tears among these wonderful loving friends. My guides were beside me throughout the seminar and at times I felt as if t
hey were dancing with joy.
I laughed continually and felt my cheeks hurt from smiling. I felt such elation surrounded by this energy and as I switched partners for each lesson, I gained a greater insight to the diverse qualities that make us so individual. Like the crystals that allow themselves to be used in this way, I saw the connection that each of us can bring as we work together. We all have unique gifts and when we blend for the highest good, is amazing what we can do. Is this why my guides urged me to come? Was this part of the lesson? It wasn't in the book!
As the workshop came to a close I found myself wishing it would never end. What was it that kept me so filled with heightened energy? Is this what it feels like when you raise your vibration? This incredible glow of love has stayed and I am meditating with such peace. I look forward to sharing all that I have learned as I know that I was led to this class for a purpose. Yes, I am more informed about the healing properties of crystals - but more importantly I was reminded that we each carry our own abilities. If we join together and embrace this loving energy within, then together we can create magic. This crystal clear connection is something you can find for yourself. Start meditating and learn to work with these amazing energies and like me you may just discover a few more friends.
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