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Think of someone meditating and what image do you see? Often when meditation is mentioned we think of sitting cross legged on a floor in silence. However meditation can take many forms which makes it easy to adopt a style that works for you. For some their meditation is sitting on the bank of a river fishing the silence and solitude allows the rush of the world to fade away and brings calm. Like wise others may call in for a drink on the way home from work and just stop, sit alone/stand at the bar in silence or cutting off whilst travelling on the train - that stepping away from the rush and madness of the world slows down the mind.
One important thing to remember is one size does not fit all! The benefits of meditation are getting more and more well known but many shun the practice due to the association of new age floaty stereotype.
We all meditate for different reasons - for those meditating for spiritual development/communication I would suggest regular connection time. If sitting in silence on a daily basis is not practical option, touch base mentally whilst washing up, cooking or even have a chat in the car when driving alone to work! Having that energy link reaffirmed strengthens your relationship with the spirit world and you will start to identify the different ways they use to let know they near from a shiver to a pressure or even more unique ways!
Take time to meditate in what ever way you need be it to wind down and escape the madness of the world or look beyond this world and venture into the unknown........
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