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Wherever you are in your life is your beginning. No matter how old… how rich… or how educated you are – NOW is your chance to ask yourself AM I FOLLOWING MY BLISS?"
For me it was a slow awakening that the life I was living was in the service of my immediate family. Doing things for others is all very well and quite common as we join in relationships and raise children, but there needs to be a balance. When you are unable to truly do the things that make you giddy with happiness then it is time to look again.
What is your bliss? It is the thing that makes your heart sing. Think back to a time when you were a child and allow your mind to drift over these carefree memories. What things or activities were you attracted to that really brought you joy? When you allow your mind to dance across these memories, how do you feel? Do you find yourself smiling or do you feel regret?
For most of my life I have been a commercial artist working for many clients. Yes, this was a reward in itself to be able to make a living doing the very thing I loved – creating art, however as I looked around my home I found not one painting…not one sketch. Why? Because my art had become a job, a chore. My bliss was amiss so to say. Gradually I learned through meditation to find my bliss and it has raised my vibration quite remarkably. You can too. Meditation can help you to unlock those hidden corners of your mind where your inner joy is waiting to be let out.
Go for a walk or follow my instructions for Sæ-sii Meditation below. Quietly begin with an invocation to ask for protection and guidance and set your intention to "finding your bliss." After you are finished your meditation always remember to give thanks and blessings to the universe.
This is the intention I use:
To my highest guides and helpers second to none?Bless me and keep me safe at this time that I meditate?Knowing that all that is said, done and heard, felt or sensed in any way?is with absolute love as I blend myself with my consciousness?I wish for help at this time in finding my bliss
You may be given scents, visions, feelings or thoughts as you are guided to whatever it is that truly makes your heart burst with joy. Do this meditation as often as you can during the week for at least 15 minutes at a time and journal the experience. If you come away from it and say, "Well that was silly, I saw, heard and felt nothing." Then give it some time to present itself. When I first began, I was waiting for some earth-shattering experience and that energy of waiting and looking can actually block the guidance. So just set your intention and move your mind away from all thought- get into the rhythm of floating on a cloud of nothingness. Your answers may not come at the time of meditation but will show up unexpectedly and your heart will race with enthusiasm. Trust yourself and your team that works with you daily.
By doing this you will be allowing your guides and higher self to bring attraction to the energies that help raise your vibration. This may open your eyes to new possibilities- new dawns of enlightenment.
Many of us worry and fret over tomorrow - much like all of our loved ones. Those loved ones have now crossed over and are watching our journey...did the fretting and worrying help them? No.
Learn to look within and begin DOING the things your heart is longing to connect with. Maybe it is playing music, hiking, working with wood, collecting coins, traveling, writing, helping at an animal rescue center or volunteering at a food shelter. Helping others is a very natural way to raise your vibration as you are using the energy of love to propel you. No matter what it is, thinking about it is not acting upon it. Quietly look within and ask yourself how you can look at each day with promise and hope of a better tomorrow. Begin today to follow your bliss and when you do…share it.
I have moved my thoughts into action through meditation- this has caused me to create artwork for a cause please take a look.
How to begin Sæ-sii meditation:
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