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The question which every person will surely contemplate within his/her lifetime is this, 'is there life after death'? What I have learned and seen in my relatively short time has made me not only think there is life after death, but be absolutely certain there is. In 1996 I was at a friends house Mr Ronald Bailey. He was a wonderful man who I dearly loved. That evening I felt verytired and asked if I could stay. His house was in Harrow and my journey home to Essex where I lived at the time would have been a long and tedious one and it was very late. Ronald kindly allowed me to stay and what I was to witness that night would convince me that life after death was a certainty. Ronald took some blankets from upstairs and made me a comfortable little bed in his front room. It was extremely cold, but after the lights went out I fell fast asleep within about 30 minutes or so. I was then awoken from my sleep some hours later to find myself sitting bolt upright and watching a head floating across the ceiling. The head was of a lady who smiled at me, whilst my heart pounded in my chest. Her hair was neatly tied in a bun at the back in a very fifties style look. She was aged around 30. As I watched transfixed the head floated through the wall and in moments it was gone. On awaking the next morning I told my friend Ronald of my vision. He said I cannot believe it and went to a cabinet and picked up a photograph. The photograph was of his wife Ulla who had died some 18 or so months previous and was indeed the vision I had seen. His wife was around 63 when she died, it was truly remarkable. A short video clip of Ronald and how we met can be seen on my website
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