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Michelle Jones, Psychic
Medium, Writer &
I make no bones about it; I am a complete anorak on an awful lot of subjects...
There are Angels and Archaeology, the Green Man and Gothic Churches and Cathedrals, Holy Wells and Hidden Shrines, Crop Circles, Labyrinths, dowsing, just about anything of a ‘weirdy’ nature-and that’s before we get to more ‘normal’ pursuits like cooking and gardening!
One of my favourites for bedtime reading are books by the fantastic author Phil Rickman. He writes wonderful books set in and around the border country of Herefordshire/Wales, which follow the exploits of a woman vicar called Merrily Watkins. She is steamrollered into accepting the job of Exorcist (or ‘Deliverance Consultant in modern parlance!), a job which sees her question her faith, her judgement and her suitability as a priest. It is most definitely NOT a series which focuses on paranormal phenomena, although it is there...nor is it a crime series...although murder seems to follow her around! It is difficult to categorise Merrily-or her daughter Jane, who grows up from the age of 15 within the series. Jane is so full of life she leaps from the pages; she provides a brilliantly thought provoking alternative (sometimes pagan) foil to merrily’s ministry.
Anyway, I am drifting from my point...
Merrily uses a ‘belt and braces’ approach to psychic protection; an ancient prayer known as St. Patrick’s Breastplate; you can find the full and unedited version here:
but the short version that Merrily uses is something like this:
I bind myself unto the name,
the strong name of the Trinity,
The invocation of the same,
the Three in one, and one in three.
Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
This is a very powerful protection invocation, and with just a short adaptation, it becomes suitable for all, regardless of faith, religion or circumstance.
Angels be with me, Angels within me,
Angels behind me and Angels before me,
Angels beneath me, Angels above me,
Angels to comfort and protect me,
Angels by my left, and by my right,
Angels in darkness and Angels in light,
Angels to guide me wherever I roam,
Angels to show me the pathway to home.
Of course, you can add your own verses, or adapt it to fit your own needs; for myself, this is a prayer I use every day, when I awaken, when I lay down to sleep-and sometimes in the middle as well!
I would love to hear your thoughts and verses...
Angel Blessings
Michelle x
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