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Pain has been a matter of reflection since the beginning of civilization. Scientists, religious leaders, psychologists and theologists discuss it and propose solutions for the problems of moral and physical suffering. Although science has provided an accumulating arsenal to fight physical pain, it is in Spirituality that most people seek the healing of their moral sufferings. We, Spiritists, believe that all diseases of the body are part of a paradoxical educational process which heal the soul.
The "Gospel According to Spiritism" has many passages in which Jesus heals the souls in pain offering them the medicine of the purity of heart, charity and love towards our neighbours. Many people would seek for this medicine that Jesus prescribed but many of them would still "sin again" and their physical and moral sufferings would restart.
The "SPIRITIST MAGAZINE" from 1860 which was edited by Allan Kardec and translated to Portuguese by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) in 2004, states on its page 548 ("The Education of a Spirit") an interesting matter for thought. At some point in the article the spirit who is suffering says "I want all my sufferings to be over..." but the spirit who is teaching him continues as this is clearly not the solution for the case. We all suffer, in different ways, because is an integral part of this world. It is through pain that we purify our souls thus benefiting the eternal evolution of our spirits. The law of cause and effect clarifies the nature of our sufferings. God is good and just and does not give us any more suffering than we deserve. Often we al

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one are responsible for our own pain, sometimes due to things we have done in previous lives.
Allan Kardec ("The Genesis", chapter 3, page 71) teaches that "pain is the moving force that propels spirits in evolution towards the path of progress".
Hermínio C. Miranda (book "Reencarnação e Imortalidade", page 265) says: "pain is an instrument of ransom, improvement and warning". Leon Denis ("O problema do Ser, do Destino e da Dor")says: "Pain is in the law of balance and education but it is very difficult to make mankind understand that pain is actually something good. All that lives in this world, in this nature, suffers. The suffering of the animals is already a work for the evolution of the vital principle that exists in them; it is through pain that they acquire the first rudiments of conscience (Leon Denis, page 297 – Enciclopedie Spirite )
It is very important that we try to know and evaluate what we are going through in terms of pain and sufferings. Is suffering truly part of a regenerative process or are we stuck in a particular situation because we are not willing to get out of it? The matter of pain and suffering will be discussed in the BUSS seminar in June 2008 by Dr. Andrew Powell and Professor Divaldo Franco. We invite you all to participate and discuss your questions. For more information:
Translation into English: Dr Laura Silveira - UK
Revision: Alec Gifford - UK
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