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Petrified Wood
Petrified Wood is a good stone for strength in all areas of our lives and grounding. It is a “Stone of Transformation” helping bring us to a higher aspect of the self. It can help, during meditation, to access information from past lives. It can help provide support during times of crisis or dis-ease.
Petrified Wood helps bring stability, security, longevity, calmness and wisdom.
Petrified Wood (from the Greek root "petro" meaning "rock" or "stone", literally "wood turned into stone") is a type of fossil.
Petrified Wood consists of fossil wood where all the organic materials have been replaced with minerals, such as quartz, while retaining the original structure of the wood. The petrifaction process occurs underground, when wood becomes buried under sediment and is initially preserved due to a lack of oxygen. Mineral-rich water flowing through the sediment deposits minerals in the plant's cells and as the plant's lignin and cellulose decay away, a stone mould forms in its place. It probably takes less than 100 years for wood to petrify.
Colours vary from caramel to dark browns.
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