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Slowly and reluctantly I allow one eye to open, only a little, as I want to be able to go straight back to sleep if its not yet time to wake. The vision is still unclear from the blurriness of sleep, within the blur is see the usual brown of the trees, grey of the sky and dull muddy green of the forest floor. Still not time. Back to sleep then as my heavy eye closes and a shiver runs through me from the cold biting wind.
Did I sleep, I feel like I have only just closed my eye and yet I am waking. I hate the feeling of waking when there is no feeling of being rested. Yet wait, what is that, I feel a warmth in the air. The wind is still cold and biting but between gusts there is a warmth I feel. I might just take a peek.
Both eyes open at the same time but with the same blurred vision of being woken from a deep sleep and instantly I close them again, its so bright. I allow my eyes to open a millimeter, that’s all, because if the weather is playing tricks on me, if there is no sun, if its still cold then I will sleep again. Yes my eyes are hurting with the brightness but only for a few seconds as they start to get used to the light.
What do I see?
Same brown of the trees, same grey of the clouds. Hang on is that blue sky in between? Yes, it is. Here is the sun. Ooh that feels lovely, drinking in the sunlight on my face. There is even a feeling of heat on my face, I smile.
My eyes open wider now. I look down at the forest floor. My goodness, what has happened? Purple, bright purple, pink, white, yellow. Has a rainbow fallen to the ground? What a shock of colour after so much dullness and gloom of winter. Bluebells of purple and white and pink, snowdrops, daffodils, blossom, such beauty. Tears come into my eyes, I am moved by the colour and beauty of my forest, we forget so easily the beauty when the cold and dark of winter surrounds us. The colour is almost unbearable, this feeling wears off very quickly and I start to drink in the colours.
Purple, the colour of transformation. Well that’s an understatement, my forest is definitely transformed from gloom and dark to colour and light.
Pink, the colour of love. Nature blesses us with the love and warmth of the springtime, our hearts are gladdened by the colour and newness of spring.
White, the colour of spirit. For the spirit of the earth feels like she has awoken from her long slumber of winter.
Yellow, the colour of the sun. Life giving force, warmth which seeps into every cell of our being. Heating and re-energising.
All of this, all of these energies returning to the forest, returning to me. I feel different, I feel renewed, I feel warmth, I feel love.
Spring is amazing.
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