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The new year is once again just around the corner and as is often the caseone wonders what it will bring for our selves, our families, our dear friends,
hopefully a good and peaceful year for us all as we remain positive and refuse to be beaten down by the spectre of fear. However there are millions of souls everywhere who find it difficult if not impossible to let go of this debilitating condition which is often accompanied by deep anxiety and worry.
I think we all know of such souls and the more you try to alleviate their worry, their fear, the more anxious they become, often qualifying their replies with a 'but what if.' Its so easy to give up on them forgetting that we were also once upon a time just like them, so its important to keep pegging away at them in a nice way and hope that your efforts will one day bear fruit. In any event, its not to say that we are impregnable to the battering assaults of fear, we are after all human and there do come times when ones inner strength is breached. I came across the following words in a magazine a while ago; "what world is this to which the new year comes?
a world by God forgotten, lost to man?, a weary battlefield of broken homes, a red monotony without a plan? It certainly does appear so to worldly eyes,
but with the eye of the soul one knows better, one is able to see beneath the outer to the inner core, the blazing reality. When this is breached as mentioned, it is just a case then of picking oneself up, giving oneself a good spiritual shaking and a berating and then go forward again hopefully stronger in mind and spirit. We have to remember that their are vast positive cosmic energies beginning to sweep our world now particularly those of emerging Aquarius and these are in conflict with the outgoing forces/energies of Pisces therefore we see so much confusion, instability and
fear. Nevertheless the one light is making itself felt and thousands of souls work in and for this light and look forward to the new dispensation with its higher vision.
Its very clear that sane thinking people the world over are weary of war, oppression, corruption, economic chaos and religious bigotry
yearning for lasting peace and brotherhood realizing that deep down all are really one regardless of ones outer faith. In his book 'Leaves from Morya's garden', the Master Morya states that beauty is called a 'shining forth of inner radiance, a demonstration of the law of love in action, and this is what men and women yearn for whether conscious of it or not.
He also has said that a great star whose name is beauty is approaching the Earth and it is linked to the spirit of understanding and will bring new concepts of freedom and the vision of a new and vital universal faith. Humanity has struggled painfully up the mountain of the old year and now we stand poised for the difficult ascent of the mountain of the new year after a period of rest from our year long labours. Mountains have always been associated with the cosmos and eternity, with light, inspiration and initiation. Each element of a mountain can be endowed with meaning, its height designates loftiness of the spirit, its verticality often similar to a triangle, reminds one of the high focal points of thought, its rocky massiveness suggests grand proportions and stability as it stands in its ordered place and the rugged approaches suggest ascending consciousness. The ancient Hebrew prophet Isaiah knew this well when he spoke of the mount of Zion, the holy mount.
So let us begin the year of 2018 with a clean slate, a new beginning, and definitely resolve to live a more spiritually meaningful life. Of course this does not mean forgetting ones mundane duties, but rather to try to give a little more time to ones inner light adopting the attitude of the observer and applying the necessary checks and balances to the daily life and being of service to others.
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