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I recently came across two phrases in a short story about the rabbits of Watership Down by Richard Adams. The phrases were “The Land of Yesterday” and “ The Land of Tomorrow.” The story is about a rabbit who sets out from his warren on a long journey to gain something which will be of benefit for himself and his fellow rabbits. It seemed to me that this story contained a lesson for all of us. How many of us are willing to give up our present lifestyle to venture into a new life which will be better for us and perhaps benefit others? It takes courage but remember the saying “Never venture, never gain.”
Our world has recently entered a new year on the earth’s calendar. A new year is a time when we look back at the previous year of our life and what we experienced in it (Land of Yesterday) and look forward to the new year (Land of Tomorrow) and wonder what it holds for us. A new year in your life can be a year of new opportunities, a year of new interests and hobbies. Have you thought, about changing your job, trying for promotion, moving home and passing that final exam? Give yourself a new purpose and new goals. Give your life new meaning. Don’t carry on your life as it was in the “Land of Yesterday.” The future beckons, embrace it and move forward into the “Land of Tomorrow.” As Spiritualists, we all know that when we cross over to the next world our life is reviewed so we want to make sure that our report card is not one to be ashamed of.
When the Great Scorer comes
To write across your name,
It won’t be about winning
But how you played the game.
The world we live in is filled with many things and we have choices to make so choose carefully and only choose the best. Do you like reading? We all read for entertainment but widen your reading to include factual books. Read about the lives of others and how they prospered and perhaps changed the world, read about other lands and other people, widen your knowledge of subjects. I have never had many people to help me in my life and I have been so grateful to those who have written books to share their knowledge and pass on hints and tips on how to do things. (e.g. using a computer!)
Then there is the world we are born into. When you go on holiday do you travel to somewhere which will increase your knowledge of God’s world or do you just want to be a sun-worshipper? Have you climbed the Eifel Tower, seen the Coliseum in Rome, stood by the Statue of Liberty in New York, visited the ruined city of Pompeii? What about the beauties of nature? Have you enjoyed the hills and glens of Bonnie Scotland, the Canadian Rockies, the Swiss Alps, the Grand Canyon? Have you been to the Holy Land, seen Bethlehem and Jerusalem and walked where Jesus walked down the Via Dolorosa? Life is not long enough to visit all these places and other famous sites but we can only do our best and the TV does offer travel documentaries for those of us unable to visit these places for ourselves.
Perhaps overseas holidays are not an option in your life so are you making the most of life at home? All local communities offer activities and classes which are open to local residents. Find out what is available in your local area. This is an opportunity to make new friends with similar interests to your own.
As a Spiritualist I believe that the purpose of my life on earth is to live, learn and build a character. I must serve God by serving those who share this planet with me and I must try and give back something to the world for those who will come after me. An earth life can be hard. This is where I love our 6th Principle of Spiritualism about compensation in the next world. The God who loves you knows all about your disappointments and unfulfilled ambitions and the life you have led. So let us all resolve to live this next year of our life to the best of our ability. Hold your head high, march into the Land of Tomorrow and look forward to God’s “Well Done!” when we finally leave this earth to enter His Heavenly Kingdom.
I am offering a free copy of my book “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. Please contact me by email
[email protected]
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