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Relationships are the core of what keep us interconnected. This past year has challenged us to delve deeply and be mindful of our relationships. As we have given our soul permission to grow and evolve the Universe has prompted us to align our inner light with our outer world. While things are in upheaval things may feel uncomfortable and unsettled. The focus needs to be inward on what is serving our soul’s purpose and what brings us peace, joy, happiness, and contentment.
While last year the focus was on healing and clearing security issues, this past year and the year to come is about reevaluating our relationships. Many of us have dealt with issues concerning our jobs, homes, and finances, now the focus is shifting toward interpersonal relationships at the core level.
This has brought to the surface in your face scenarios that can be baffling and upsetting. Usually relationship issues become magnified as we take our next big spiritual leap. Our relationships come up for review and those that are not at the same or similar frequency are realigned or purged. I haven’t had this many issues surrounding relationships in many years as I have this past year.
As we choose what we want to create in our lives the Universe manifests opportunities for our growth. We are being pushed to be more authentic and forthcoming with others and ourselves. We do not need to be forceful, dominate, or abrasive in order to get our point across. In fact, the best way to do it is in a very peaceful, quiet, and gentle way. Not much really needs to be said. Everything is occurring on an energetic level and we are communicating through our higher selves. Those that are meant to be in our life will remain or emerge in a shape and form that is cohesive with our path.
The most important thing is to be in alignment within. Check in as often as necessary to determine what your needs are and what will best serve your soul. When we are too outward, and giving it all away to others, and retaining very little for ourselves, we become imbalanced and our inner knowing is jolted out of whack.
Through our thoughts and emotions we know what we need and things come easily and naturally when we are in the flow. Trying to make a relationship work when both parties are not on the same wavelength causes stress and derision. If things can’t be talked through and resolved, it’s best to step back and give some space to process our feelings and figure it out.
When there is a soul connection it is a joy to be in the company of someone who makes us feel good, without judgment or duress. Souls that know each other communicate on a higher level where words are unnecessary and it is a peaceful, joyful, easy connection. I love the saying:
“Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.” ~ Buddha
I have found that speaking is cumbersome. I communicate more energetically through touch, laughter, and love then I actually do through words. The people that I am close with in my life I don’t need to explain myself to, they just get it. When we are acting in integrity, there is no need to have to justify ourselves. It is better to conserve the energy and spend the time on something that brings peace to our lives. There is so much chaos going on out there, that in here, things need to be peaceful and feel good.
Actions speak louder than words. More than what someone says is what they do. Step back and just observe how you are being treated in a relationship. When we value ourselves and have high expectations as to how we should be treated we will not tolerate anything that doesn’t feel right. I have experienced being with someone and sensing their emotional disconnection while they pretend to be present and connected. Just because someone says they want a relationship, but they don’t honor, nurture, and put effort into it, it’s just not worth expending our time and energy on it.
If it doesn’t feel good don’t stay in it! In a passive aggressive relationship a partner or friend says things that are hurtful, while masking it with “good intentions.” Real love doesn’t hurt, makes us feel bad, or causes guilt or shame. It raises us up and makes us feel secure, cared for, wanted, and appreciated. If we don’t feel honored, than more than likely we aren’t. Listen to the nagging feeling in your gut and step back. Our intuition comes through our gut feelings.
You want a sign? You needn’t look any further than the way you feel! Source moves through the seat of our soul. When we’re emotionally connected and trust our inner guidance it comes through loud and clear. All we are required to do is to act upon it. Sometimes the action is very subtle. We don’t need to make a display of it. All that is necessary is to step back, go inward, and without drama remove our self from the situation that is causing us to feel bad.
Spend time alone and focus on what moves you, or with those that make you laugh. Work with Archangel Chamuel of the Pink Ray to help heal and resolve any relationship issues that are out of balance. The pink ray has the gentle properties to heal with ease and grace, but is quite powerful nonetheless.
Archangel Michael can help cut cords that are tying us to unhealthy relationships and clear the energy. Speaking from your higher self to other persons is an excellent way to heal and resolve issues at the highest level. Praying for the highest good and greatest joy of all concerned brings things back into balance as well.
When being in a romantic relationship realize that through a sexual connection we are merging with them energetically. When we connect with someone physically a cord is formed with one another and you are more sensitive to what they are thinking, feelings, and experiencing. The more sensitive and empathic we are, the more their energy can affect ours. It is imperative to choose partners that are on the same energetic level or have the desire to grow and heal alongside of us.
Our heart chakras and higher hearts are opening to new levels of awareness. The people we surround ourselves with affect our energetic field. In order to keep our hearts open and feel the love that is emanating from Source through us we need to be with people open to giving and receiving love in the same manner as we are. Keeping positive thoughts and acting with and from love in all our affairs is imperative. Love is the elixir to heal any broken or wounded heart. Our hearts are tender and fragile. We want to nurture what is growing inside of us with relationships that honor and allow us to be our authentic selves and flourish. Never should we have to compromise our dignity in order to be in a relationship.
In the coming year we will continue to go deeper and deeper within and our relationships will be a reflection. Our relationships are a mirror of ourselves. If we want to be at a high spiritual level, thus those we choose to surround ourselves with must be in alignment with that. The light that emanates from us attracts the ones we are meant to be with. Shine your light and allow it to be a presence to bring love and strength to those around you.
Dear God,
My pure intent is to attract only loving relationships into my life. May all my current and future relationships be a reflection of my inner peace. I choose to be happy and content. I want my relationships to be respectful, loving, and caring. Shape me into the type of person I want to attract. Allow my words and actions to come from a place of love and kindness.
Show me how to be emotionally present and available to those I interact with. Remove from my heart any pain that I have experienced in the past, so that I may show up in my relationships as healed and whole. May my heart be open so that I can be an elixir for love, bringing peace and joy to others.
And so it is.
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