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Jock Brocas
(Author Powers of the sixth sense)
Is it possible that a true psychic medium could negate the necessity of going to another professional such as a counsellor, mediator or psychiatrist? If you had the choice of paying one of these people on a continuing basis to help you with your depressive state or the downward spiral of life - could you take a chance and consult a respectable medium. The consultation is only once with the cost being once and for their time – would you? If you knew the chances of healing yourself through the power of your spirit were true – would you choose that route to health. Would you continue to pay for someone who often has no more experience than reading the theory in books? Would you trust spirit from where you came or put your life in the hands of materialism?
It is a sad fact of life that many individuals continue to search for happiness and healing through others without pinpointing the root cause of the trouble. With a medium it can happen within minutes rather than days or weeks. A medium provides evidence of life after death but also facilitates the beginning of the healing process within one’s life. Grief can become just another hurdle to get over and the knowledge that our loved ones are still there can facilitate the healing instantaneously. However, let’s look at another form of depression or emotional illness. For instance, client A came to a medium for a reading because of the depression that he was going through as well as the issues in the marriage that were causing undue stress. Now to this client the issues of depression were fundamentally down to the problems of the marriage and the arguing within it. He never had a reading in his life and the idea of a psychic reading was to tell the future. In his mind, he believed that psychics were nothing more than entertainment and he was so desperate that he would try almost anything – he wanted to know if the marriage would survive. The truth of course was different. As he sat down and the medium tuned into the spirit world, an uncle came through to talk with him. The evidence that he had from the medium was compelling in that it left him with no doubt that it was his uncle. Such information as names, dates, places and important events in his life were brought forward. As you can imagine, this evidence shocked the sceptical gentleman – yet the best was still to come. Another gentleman came forward asking for forgiveness and to say that they had unfinished business that drove them apart on the earth plane. The client had failed to say goodbye to his late father, they were estranged and the guilt that remained with the client was destroying him, emotionally, materially and physically. The tears rolled down the clients face and further evidence was given that the father was near to his son – he watched over the family – he was sorry and most of all, the spirit identified the problem in the marriage.
At the end of the reading the client expressed his thanks and said that he did not believe in life after death and that communication from this world to the next was impossible. He told the medium that he would have to rethink his beliefs as the evidence he had was compelling, but most of all he believed that he had a new lease for life that finally his demons had left him. He could get his life back on track. The healing happened all within the time of his reading. He is now happier and the depression has been resolved.
How long could it have taken another professional to arrive at the conclusion the problems within his life were the result of the relationship he had with his father who passed before they could make amends. This would have taken a long-time to get to the route of the problem and at the average price of 100$ an hour a session – would have resulted in a great deal of unnecessary money being spent.
Not convinced? Allow me to cite another example on an unrelated subject. Client B came for a reading with the same medium – hoping to hear loving messages from those that had crossed over. She said nothing about her life and yet the message from the spirit world was very different to what she wanted to hear. For years she suffered with depression, anxiety attacks and financial problems. She had gone to counsellor after counsellor and had suffered in 3 marriages. The medium quickly identified the problem was related to the abuse that she suffered as a child. The client had not spoken to anyone about this and the revelation from the spirit world brought her to tears. Spirit had told her of these issues and that those on the other side were aware of the suffering. They had also confirmed the individual to cause this suffering was busy making reparations for the mistakes made on the earth plane. The client learned the gift of forgiveness was the most powerful form of healing that could happen. By accepting the events, forgiving herself, understanding the bigger picture of life and forgiving the perpetrator – she could learn to move on and heal herself through the power of spirit. Now at the present time she is off the antidepressants, she has moved home and made radical changes in her life that has finally brought her happiness. She is back studying to learn to help others in a similar situation.
Client B had gone to counsellors, doctors and psychiatrists for 7 years and yet no one had been able to lift her from the depression she suffered. No one knew the root of the issues and yet once again spirit did all this within 1 hr. I am not saying the only way to heal is through a psychic medium for the professionals have their place in the grand design of the universe. What i am saying is there are other avenues. Vey often the powers to heal are inherent in every one of us – we can heal ourselves. When seeking the consul of a medium, we are only allowing the medium to channel the necessary information from the spirit world and it is the spirit world that is the catalyst for the healing.
Disease is a dirty word and with it holds the negative vibration that affects us emotionally. Emotional unbalance is revealed in physical disease. From abuse to causes of cancer – all is manifested from an imbalance within the mind, body and spirit. That is why the route to all healing is through the spirit – from spirit, through spirit to spirit. Occasionally a psychic medium can effectively and quickly get to the route of the matter through channelling information from the spirit world. In the next article i will discuss how to select a good psychic medium and show you the pro’s and con’s of each.
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