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Sacred Healing London
Are we waiting for that pot of gold? Have we placed our lives on hold until that something great happens? Whether that be the job, the prize, the relationship?
It is natural and healthy to have goals, to have that we aim for and wish for. Where we start causing ourselves pain is where we forget that this is a co creation. Should we be in waiting mode then we have stopped being creative beings. And the more we wait, the more we grow impatient. For as we know nothing frustrates us more than having to wait for something- be this a bus, a kettle to boil or a phone call. We are impatient beings and we don’t really like waiting so why put our lives on pause?
There is of course a time for creation and a time for allowing. A time to push and a time to surrender and it is important we flow and follow the seasons of our lives. However when we are in surrender mode that does not mean waiting, that means allowing. That means a daily appreciation of where we are, of what we have. Should we be waiting and growing impatient we are saying what we have is not enough.
If only I had this or that my life would be perfect. Everything will be all right when this or that happens. Yet what if there is no this or that? What if the this you are in is the best that it gets? Could ever get? And you had spent all that time wishing it away. What could you do right now to make this the most perfect time, the most perfect moment ever?
I do not say this lightly. I say this knowing how very hard it can be at the most trying times. And yet I have found at those times when I have been at my lowest, when everything I have known has been stripped away, that in fact I am forced to appreciate the now. Because to even look ahead is too fraught with what ifs. Ask the lovers who have one night together, ask the family by the bed side of a sick family member, ask those on death row- each moment becomes precious- because each could be the last.
A Shamanic Teacher once said to me that to live life like it was our last day meant we truly had to be in the now. That we truly savoured every moment. Then there can be no waiting, then we make sure we go out and do all we wished to do. We start to make something happen.
And this is the other thing about waiting, it abdicates responsibility and power. While waiting time passes and in the waiting room there has been no moving towards that we yearn for. We can keep moving forwards in many ways. From practical measures we can take to energetic work, to active dreaming and visualisations. There is so much we can do in anticipation, to act as if that we are waiting has already happened, is just about to happen.
This life is precious, to spend it in waiting is to squander it. Yes we are sensitive beings, we have yearnings and dreams. And yes we do deserve to have all our dreams met. Still living on this earthly plane means we must come to understand our powers of co creation. That we shall never see the whole picture and so from our limited view cannot always make out why something has or not happened. That we come to terms with the balance of living which at times requires us to free fall into the unknown. That requires faith in Self and Spirit. Waiting implies we do not trust what we wish for shall come to us. It implies that on some level we feel denied- perhaps even punished.
We are not being punished if something does not work out the way we wanted. The punishment is often the harsh self talk. Is the high level of expectation we put on ourselves. Should we have the compassion and self love to be gentle with ourselves- we shall see that there are always options to transform a situation. And Spirit shall guide us on the best options for our Highest Good- should we ask and then listen for the answers.
So be it- So it is
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