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If we want to know our true nature all we have to do is to read the first few lines of Lesson 158 of A Course in Miracles: “What has been given you? The knowledge that you are a mind, in Mind and purely mind, sinless forever, wholly unafraid, because you were created out of love. Nor have you left your Source, remaining as you were created…” W298. If we can remember that, it helps us detach somewhat from the drama and melodrama of our daily lives as a physical body living in an unpredictable, constantly changing and sometimes frightening world.
Since we are a mind within God’s Mind, it becomes easy to see why this world is an illusion. Jesus points out several times in A Course in Miracles that ideas cannot leave their source. An idea is in the mind and therefore remains in the mind. He also says that everything that is taking place in our world and in our lives has been projected out of our minds. But since ideas cannot leave the mind, this world only exists in the mental plane. As we read in Lesson 156:“It follows surely from the basic thought so often mentioned in the text; ideas leave not their source. If this be true, how can you be apart from God? How could you walk the world alone and separate from your Source?”
In our dream we do, indeed, seem to walk this world alone. But, if we have faith in Jesus and his present-day teachings, we begin to realise that there is much more to life than meets the eye. An open-mind is needed, as well as the desire to find a spiritual path and the willingness to practice love and forgiveness. Forgiveness doesn’t just involve letting someone off the hook who may have hurt us in some way. It also involves letting go of our illusions and becoming more detached from the world We also need to forgive ourselves for having this dream and for choosing to have an ego and a physical form so that we can see what separation from Source feels like. Eventually, we will decide that it is time to find our way Home.
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