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Chrissie Batten is a
Reiki Master Teacher
and Author
When will we stop struggling and just let ourselves be who we really are? And when will we be able to see that happiness is already inside our heart, where we just have to remove our cloak of fear to let it shine through our mind and out into our world? There is only one answer to this, and that is... when we stop waiting for others to make it happen, and make the decision to do it for ourself!
Even though it may appear we have little control of the world at the moment, we have to remember that real power doesn’t come through ruling others, but by being in charge of ourself! Also that when our mind is confused it can cause a physiological response which triggers panic, vulnerability and anxiety, which even though makes us feel worse, can be effectively dealt with when we know what to do about it!
When we connect with our intuitive mind and follow synchronistic guiding signs which give us the ‘uh ha’ moments that help us understand what to do next, we don’t have to worry about ‘what if..’. As once we learn to recognise and accept internal and external prompts, which synchronicity provides through our intuitive mind, there is less fear of the unknown, because we know we only have to ask for guidance to receive it.
And because we can trust we will know what to do as and when required, there is less need to worry, therefore our generalised anxiety is able to reduce its intensity!
Many people believe that life is already mapped out, and whilst I believe this is true to some degree, I know that our thoughts, emotions, choices and actions are the main driving forces which dictate whether we find the happiness and success we seek. Which means that if our mind and emotions are out of our control, then so is our future and our destiny!
However, it’s our lack of understanding and wisdom that causes us to panic when the going gets tough, so it would help if we could believe that even though our destiny is governed by linear and universal time, which we have no control over, both good and bad elements are already present in our pathway and are programmed to activate at specific times in our future. Whereby we might then be more able to go with the flow and accept that we have a beginning (birth) an end (death), and that the bit in the middle which is our life, is there for us evolve within!
But whilst it is safe to assume that some specific events are located along our life pathway, we have to guard against complacently waiting for good things to happen to us. Because the reality is that we have to create ways to see hidden opportunities whenever we feel stuck, and also develop the ability to create new opportunities when the need arises.
We also have to learn to tolerate enforced societal change, as change is inevitable and necessary. But as this country declines whilst the younger generation climb to the top of their influential mountain of ego supremacy, few have any real concerns about the future developments of our country or world, because they believe they don’t have the power to influence it, or simply because they just don’t care!
Whilst I support the idea that we don’t have the automatic right to denigrate others, I believe we are being forced to endure prohibitive human rights dictates, that are just absurd bureaucratic rules, which unnecessarily inhibit our growth by restricting our language, freedom of speech, opinion and power!
Bullies remain bullies until people stand up and confront their false power. But we are not allowed to stand up for ourself in case we offend someone’s hypocritical feelings, where our English legal system sometimes seems to impose greater importance on political or financial issues, rather than bestowing appropriate punishment on criminals who destroy peoples lives.
The law is always under scrutiny, and rightly so, where different governments impose different sanctions to resolve the same problems and win votes at the next election! But guess what! Politics, law and their rules still often work against the people they were intended to help! Some preventative government strategies are clearly not working, but still more money is thrown into them as millions of pounds are spent each year trying to stop us smoking, drinking, taking drugs, teenage pregnancies, and eating what we choose, whilst our health and welfare services are starved of cash and thus can’t provide the services that are demanded from them?
But whilst we all resist change to a certain degree, is it okay that strategies that are supposed to initiate progress are governed by their financial profitability, and lead us back into the dark ages where people had to unite and rebel before they were heard? Which means that even though we are in the new millennium, we have learned nothing about what progress really means, as we are being forced by circumstance to repeat old inferior/superior ‘they’ve got/I want..’ patterns of fighting for individual power and financial security!
However admirable, the legislative philosophy of ‘prevention is better than cure’ is clearly not working, so instead of trying to fix dysfunctional behavioural problems by imposing ineffective protective strategies, why don’t we just start using accountability as the rule of life. Whereby instead of placating the ‘give me/fix it for me’ mentality of those who can’t be bothered to make the effort to look after their lives, people are taught that if you create a problem, you have to sort it out. (This obviously does not refer to those genuinely in need).
I place no blame on specific individuals or departments for the anomalies in our society, caused by the various try and fail government dictates, but do fear that unless human mentality considers the bigger picture of life, we humans are headed for disaster!
But what do you think about the country you reside in, and what changes would you like to see in place for your future? Think about it now, as time has a habit of reaching us before we are fully prepared, so get your thinking cap on and start to explore ways of better society management. Try to find resolutions in your mind and get clear images of what sort of things might make a difference to the future. Work out a plan which shows how the differences could be activated and how they might improve life. What would life be like then, what would change, how would that feel?
Feel the positive energy that would be generated by those changes. Regardless of how impossible it might seem now, you have the ability to create marvellous opportunities to change the world and manifest your ideas into reality - not by striving to continue the well-trodden cyclical pathways of historical power-driven ego, but by casting new ideals about life. Where you search for ways to combine human individuality with a society that has power, integrity and respect for life, and then working toward the same beneficial goals with like-minded others.
You don’t have to be clever to make positive contributions to life, but you do have to use your wisdom, and let the universe show you how to use your soul power. But to do that you need to open your objective mind and restrain the fear that distorts your creativity! You have to want to live a better life and be willing to change the parts of yourself that were created from the fear of your ancestors, where instead of just resisting rules you create a new, more appropriate set of guidelines for the future.
Once you learn to overcome obstacles, you will realise just how brave, strong, confident and capable you really are. But this is a skill that needs to be learned, and that takes time and patience! So when you strive to justify yourself by proving you are superior to others, try to remember that you are probably feeling vulnerable at some level and what you really need is to experience feelings which confirm you have the right to be!
Life is complicated and so are humans, and the sooner we understand how to manage ourselves, the simpler life will become! As technology advances your mind is already programmed to function far beyond the abilities of any computer currently known to man. But if you continue to react through fear every time you are challenged, you will reinforce the limitations imposed on society by old self-protective survival patterns, keeping them alive!
However, if you make the decision to create a new way of life by living authentically, productively and effectively, whilst giving respect to all life forces, your higher mind will be able to guide and support the creation of your new ideas for the future world, and you will be able to reach your full potential! So what will you use to guide you and your life - your ego and fear, or your universal power and intuitive wisdom?
Regardless of which way you choose to live your life, please remember that it’s never too late to change, and that the way you deal with every experience, good or bad, leads to another experience that will follow. Therefore as it’s your thoughts and actions that create the negative or positive outcome of your experiences, that will ultimately determine whether you feel good or bad, whenever possible look for the most beneficial long-term solution in the bigger picture, rather than just striving to feel good for that moment in time!
Good luck!!
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