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This is Anna’s third book of poetry. Some of the poems appears in the Trees of Ogham book too, the rest have laid in various journals, and so it was Anna felt the nudge to brings all the nature poems together in onebook. It’s really a book for dipping in and out of, of perhaps selecting intuitively which poem to turn to. Nature really does have message for us, be it through tree, flower or elemental. Colour photographs have been sprinkled through the book too, to make it a truly visual experience. You perhaps may like to use the photos as a focus for meditation or contemplation. In truth though, how you read the book is up to you. You may see it just as poetry or, you may see it as a little journey into nature spirituality.
Trees do ‘talk’.
Hear them as you walk.
Messages sent through their roots,
As you pass by with heavy boots.
Tread gently, ears open wide,
To hear that tree right by your side.
It will communicate through your intuitive sense,
Through vision, feeling, smell, impressions, nothing dense.
Open your heart now to the Kingdom of Trees.
Their messages are around you, travelling on the breeze.
Help the trees, love them, any way you can.
Root for the trees, be their biggest fan.
Trees love you more than you know.
Connect with them and their wisdom to you they’ll show.
Free to download and read. No personal details collected.
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