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Chrissie Batten
Spiritual Counsellor
,Reiki Master/Teacher
As time moves on we are faced with many life challenges that stimulate aspects of ourselves we would rather ignore, and which cause us to become afraid. So even though I don’t want to increase any distress you or I might be feeling, for the sake of sanity let’s try to be honest for a moment, and admit what we really feel about life as it is for us at this present time. Because then we might be able to make better decisions about how to survive this modern-day evolutionary crisis, that replicates the struggles of life as it was back in the dark ages!
We all want life to work for us and our loved ones, and we all want to be happy. But regardless of how spiritual we think we are, we each have our own life to lead and feelings to cope with, as our society rapidly changes for the worse and we watch our dreams of wealth, health and happiness diminish. And whilst various stages of politically created chatter have tried to fool us into believing the empty words spoken by the optimistic expert of the moment, I believe the majority of people know the sceptical but realistic truth about government policies, and believe they can do nothing to change their lives.
As we are all affected by ever-increasing bureaucratic rules that demand we give what we haven’t got, and give away what is rightfully ours through various levels of taxation, our status and life quality is determined by the amount of money we have or don’t have. Where freedom and equality take on a new more pertinent meaning to each of us, as despair and futility for our future happiness grows. Yet as we become more afraid for ourselves and our future survival, services and modern developments that could help us are closed down or put on hold because of lack of funding, whilst large bonus payments for ‘competent’ management skills are still being awarded for incompetence, by the people who are accountable for the way our money is spent.
It used to be normal for the majority of our society to want to work for a living and plan opportunities for self-advancement. But normality has changed, as now it’s normal to feel worried, depressed, anxious and bored, as we strive to cope with suffocating limitations and reducing funds, whilst the cost of living escalates and huge profits are made by essential service providers. Where those who struggle to pay their way have to watch those who don’t. And who, by choosing to opt out remain less worried and depressed because they know that if they refuse to accept responsibility for themselves, the welfare state will provide housing, pay rent and council tax, and financially support their self-inflicted addictions!
We’re all affected by the liars and cheats who cause havoc to our welfare system and society, and by the behaviour of people who have no idea of how their cruel, reckless but deliberate acts of violence impacts upon others. Where in order to cope with who they are and how they feel, seek stimulus and release of tension using violence, as their do or die mentality causes them to fight others for a cause they themselves create through their bored, disinterested minds. And where sadly the world of justice often appears to work for the perpetrator but not the victimised, where the statement ‘crime does not pay’ is so totally and utterly wrong!
Our preferred normality is about structure, safety and security, where we have clear achievable goals that can lead to personal confidence, achievement and success. But modern-day political, societal and financial restraints have re-created olden-day restrictions that impede opportunities to feel personal freedom and fulfilment, where many individuals feel hopeless, and despair that they will ever have enough of what it takes to live a life which contains feelings of safety, satisfaction, contentment and peace of mind.
Personal religious beliefs can support our understanding of why things happen to us, and help us identify both the positive and negative aspects of life. But we have to remember that we are still a physical human being living in an unfair world, and will thus experience huge adrenalin surges each time we feel fearful and insecure, and our vulnerability is triggered. And although we can usually tolerate more stress than we think we can, once our physical body becomes constantly overloaded with stress induced toxins, our health can start to fail, leading to even more problems we have to cope with!
What a grim picture, where the worrying thing is that this is just a snapshot version – there’s so much more that affects us! So what can we do about all of it? Well realistically speaking there’s not much we can do is there, as we the public don’t have the power to pass laws and regulations that suit our needs, or imprison those who commit crimes to our society, or even to make our politicians care about the important things for us. But whilst increasing fear which renders us powerless suits certain people in power, because we lose the will to fight against their bureaucracy, we don’t have to sit still and panic – if we remember our past history, and strive not to make the same repetitive mistakes again of trying to win a war that cannot be won!
We have clear societal divides that are widening, where the rich and poor, greedy and needy face battles against each other every day, and where even our strongest survival strategies do not support our desires or calm us any more. The paradox of life insists that though fighting doesn’t make us happy, we still have to fight to get what we want! But fighting doesn’t bring permanent power or solutions, as there’s always another hurdle or battle around the corner, which history has proven. So there has to be a different way of coping with life doesn’t there, as continuing the way we are means that many of us are experiencing so much inner stress that we are in danger of worrying ourselves to death?
What if, instead of struggling to regain our fading power, we recognise that as life is unpredictable for us at the moment we will naturally feel extra vulnerable. Whereby instead of getting ready for battle against those who scare us, we put our focus of attention on staying strong and steady through this crisis, until we can identify a clear route which can really help us. What this means is that if you have a desire to change the world then go with it, but if you don’t and you’re pulling your hair out with worry, just do what you can to survive day by day – without worrying about what the future brings, knowing that time and nature already have their survival plan in action.
What we give our attention to grows! So if we constantly think about our problems, they will persist. However, if we think about a problem and take remedial action, the issue is often resolved. During these times when solutions are not so easily found, there is a tendency to focus too much on what we can’t do, rather than what we can. This means we disempower ourself when we need our strength, and confuse our mind when what we need is clear focus and clarity. So we need to always remember that regardless of what is going on around us, we do have power, we have intelligence and abilities, and even though it is really hard at times, we have the power to choose how to be and how to feel!
Being spiritual doesn’t always mean we give attention to our soul needs, but our soul is trying to convey comforting and guiding messages to us that we cannot identify if our mind is in a frenzy. Our soul can become trapped by our limited thinking patterns, so extra effort needs to be given to listening to what our thoughts, dreams and physical aches and pains are telling us. Because whilst we ignore the fleeting, loving voice of our soul, our fear and pain messages are the signals we understand and constantly become embroiled within.
So instead of automatically jumping on the band-wagon of poverty survival, which increases stress and distress, just do what you can and then spend some time looking after your physical health and emotional welfare. This means when you feel tired you rest. And when you feel hyped-up you exercise, meditate or simply sit and have a cup of tea and a chat with a friend. Your mind will be in turmoil at times, so talk to others or write about your thoughts, to dislodge them from your mind. Cry when you want to and speak up for yourself, as even though the bullies in life can make you feel small, don’t let them make you speechless or powerless!
I believe that this is the real struggle we face, as whilst we’ve concentrated so hard on the materialistic side of life, we’ve forgotten how to take care of ourselves. But if we step back and look at the bigger picture, we will see that as we will never have the power to control our society, government and public services, which has been clearly proven by our historical past, perhaps now is the time to bring ourselves back to earth and start living a better life that evolves around self-maintenance!
We are repeatedly informed that 2012 is a year of change. We all want change; we want to know that our escape from the hard times is just around the corner. Yet no-one really knows what to expect as the speculators of doom and societal unrest grows. But what if 2012 is the year that we reach recognition of all that is, a new consciousness, where new priorities become established that support human welfare and survival! Where we will become power-filled rather than feeling power-less, as once we learn to control our fearful mind we can stop allowing our impulse to financially survive dictate our actions and our future.
And once we individually stop feeding our fear and place our focus on creating a calmer, healthier way of living, perhaps we will start to feel better and enjoy what we’ve got, and then just maybe, 2012 will be the year that people regain their power over themselves and our world will stop spinning out of control. Here’s hoping eh!
If you need help to understand how to help yourself, please visit my website for details of my book Mentality – How Changing Your Mind Can Change Your Life And The World!
Love, light and good luck to you all as you grow through your struggles,
Chrissie Batten xxx
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