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Chrissie Batten - Spiritual Counsellor
Reiki Master/Teacher
What do we do when we don’t know what to do?
So many people’s lives are in disarray now, because global, political, financial, personal, and spiritual influences are compelling us to change our lives, relationships, how we act and how we process our thoughts and emotions. And whilst just a few years ago, changing one or two simple things in our life would make us feel better, it seems now, that whatever we do simply isn’t working to bring us the feel-good factor that we all seek. But why?
We live in a world that is filled with people and their pain. And regardless of how evolved we think we are, our pain is still ruining, controlling and dominating our future existence! Emotions and our reactions to them have taken over our free-will, where our reactive nature is on fire as it demands retribution, protection and control of our life situations. Whilst deep inside we are panicking because we don’t know what to do with, or about ourselves any more!
Life really is what we make it, but whilst we need to justify and have approval for everything we say and do, we will never become the whole, separate but unified personality we strive to be. We know we can do better things, we know our dreams can become reality!! Only we let fear and doubt stand in the way because we believe there is something wrong with us, others or the world, thus we are driven to find and correct this fault!
We moan when things go wrong, we become happy when things go right, but little by little good times seem to be disappearing, as we are faced with the spiralling thoughts in our mind that can drive us to the point of insanity, and make us believe we have to fight to get what we want. It’s always been the way hasn’t it, where wars and confrontations have been a way to prove our rightness and power! But what if there was another way? What if we didn’t need to struggle to prove ourselves to others any more?
My guides intervened at this point to add...Brethren we love you, we want you to be happy but whilst you feel fear in your heart you cannot feel love, and whilst you look for good things in your life, you fail to see the goodness within your spirit! The power is within, but if you don’t look for your true power – because you don’t believe it is there, then you will never find it! Your true power is behind a closed door, all you have to do is open it. The door isn’t locked now, and the door will open easily once you decide what it is you want to be, to give, to do, to feel, to receive!
Life is based upon decisions, and we’ve forgotten about our rightful place in existence. We’ve forgotten that it’s okay to be who we are.
We’ve forgotten that we have the right to speak and be powerful in our own right, because we’ve grown accustomed to fighting others and ourselves! So what if the light of love that spirit have endowed upon us, is the magic cure? What if our life could miraculously change if we did nothing just for a little while, other than think about what we are doing to ourselves, our life and our world?
My therapy is designed to teach my clients how to use discernment, perseverance and hope to cope with their life and experiences, where they become able to actualise the hidden voice inside that knows what they need for any given moment. But sometimes we need an empty space before that voice can be clearly identified, heard and attended to. So instead of feeling frustrated that you feel unable to make progress, when you don’t know what to do for the best, try to see this time as an opportunity to choose to rest for a while, in order to consolidate your emotions and bring your energy up to date, and where your next level of neediness can surface and help you identify what direction to progress into next.
Life is about living through stages that come and go, where our psychological and emotional needs struggle to cope with our constantly changing personality drives. You have many areas of life to gradually reconstruct when you are ready, and there are no magic cures out there, as you know! But there’s lots of help available, more than ever before! Which means that although we naturally have to suffer alone at times - in order to recognise our strengths, if we know what we want and need assistance, once we re-focus our attention and take positive action, we will usually find someone out there who can help us get it!
For further help and guidance please log onto my website for details of my book called Mentality – How Changing Your Mind Can Change Your Life And The World! Good luck, love and light to you all, and may peace of mind prevail in your existence!
Chrissie Batten
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