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Imagine your aura as a bubble of energy that encloses your body within its strong protective shield. Whilst it is very efficient at warding off negative influences and harmful energies, there will be times when you may feel its field has been broken and it needs to be strengthened to increase its protective abilities. Of course restoring your aura does not mean that you can get away by living an unhealthy lifestyle. Consider strengthening your aura as an amiable companion to living well.
So what kind of things can sap your aura?
Some people radiate energy, we feel better for being in their company but others just leave us feeling exhausted! The latter does not mean they are necessarily bad people to be avoided at all costs but their neediness drains us emotionally and physically. As you may not be able to sever connections with this person (i.e. a close friend) you simply need to make yourself more resilient to them by strengthening your aura.
A busy life may be exciting and stimulating, but it can take its toll on our health. Too many late nights, not enough sleep and meals eaten on the run all deplete your energy, and therefore weaken your aura.
So how can you boost your energy and restore your aura field easily? If you follow the simple exercise below you will immediately notice the benefits.
Find a peaceful spot to rest for a short period. Next, close your eyes and visualise your aura surrounding the whole of your body. Continue to focus on this image and gradually expand your aura in all directions. Imagine it stretching out to all four corners of the room. Imagine it growing in resilience.
Hold this image for a couple of minutes and then gradually draw your aura back into your body.
Practice this exercise any time you feel the need and it will have a positive impact on your body and emotional health that could last for days.
copyright Linda Preston 2008
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