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Tiffany Crosara
Mother mother tell your children,
Their time has just begun
I have suffered for my anger
These wars can't be won
Father father believe me
I am laying down my guns
I am broken like an arrow
Forgive me, forgive your wayward son
Everybody needs somebody to love
Everybody needs somebody
Faith, you know you're gonna live through the rain
Gotta keep the faith
Don't you let love turn to hate
Lord you gotta keep the faith
Faith: You know you're gonna live through the rain.
Oh, you've gotta keep the faith.
Faith: Don't you know it's never too late?
Now you gotta keep the faith.
Faith: Don't let your love turn to hate.
Now you've gotta keep the faith.
Keep the faith, keep the faith.
Oh, you gotta keep the faith.
Tell me baby when I hurt you
Do you keep it all inside?
Do you tell me all's forgiven
And hide behind your pride?
I've been walkin' in the footsteps of society's lies.
I don't like what I see no more;
sometimes I wish that I was blind.
Sometimes I wait forever
to stand out in the rain so no one sees me cry
and try to wash away the pain.
Mother, Father, these things I've done I can't erase.
Every night we're far from grace.
It's hard with the world in your face.
Tryin' to hold on. Tryin' to hold on, yeah.
Faith: You know you're gonna live through the rain.
Oh, you've gotta keep the faith.
Faith: Don't you know it's never too late?
Now you gotta keep the faith.
Faith: Don't let your love turn to hate.
Now you've gotta keep the faith.
-Jon Bon Jovi
I know this pain
Why do you lock yourself up in these chains?
No one can change your life except for you
Don't ever let anyone step all over you
Just open your heart and your mind
Is it really fair to feel this way inside?
Some day somebody's gonna make you want to
Turn around and say goodbye
Until then baby are you going to let them
Hold you down and make you cry?
Don't you know?
Don't you know things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more day
Can you hold on for one more day?
Things'll go your way
Hold on for one more day
You could sustain
Or are you comfortable with the pain?
You've got no one to blame for your unhappiness
You got yourself into your own mess
Letting your worries pass you by
Don't you think its worth your time
To change your mind?
I know this pain
But you hold on for one more day and
Break free the chains
Yeah I know this pain
But you hold on for one more day and you
Break free, break from the chain
-Wilson Phillips
Dear Transcendental Templar's,
"How are you doing?"
That is a statement that is tossed flippantly at each other so many times a day and our conditioning flips back a
"fine thanks, you?"
Just like a pancake being flipped around, it's flat...
So if we give such flat flippancy to our connection with someone else, what about the connection with ourselves?
When was the last time you sat down and really asked yourself "how are you doing?" Not only that...
How did you answer yourself?
The past month has been powerful around facing the truth, facing our fears, seeing conditioning and illusions for what they are and all in all ACCEPTANCE...
So maybe really you are not fine, maybe you have just seen that you can't go on living the way you are, maybe you just realised your relationship wasn't all it was cracked up to be, maybe you just realized you can't go on in career that doesn't nourish your soul, maybe you have just clearly been shown something about yourself which really hurts, maybe your physical security is being threatened by the recent economic events, maybe, maybe, maybe...
The waking up is happening all over the place in so many forms and just like when we wake from a deep slumber, at first the light is painful, almost blinding and too much to handle but we eventually accept it, we adjust to it and not only that we see a lot clearer when the light is there.
When the light is there it is there we progress and the way forward is easily seen, but first comes acceptance.
Seems easy put like that right?
True acceptance means being true to oneself.... How can acceptance exist if we are in denial of the truth? And what is truth anyway? Is it whatever we perceive it to be? In a world full of illusion what is truth?
Start with what is in front of you. The reality of the situation at hand. Take one situation in your life at a time. Do you feel any resistance in your gut? Any tension in your head? Any anxiety and shortness of breath in your heart? These are all fear signs, when we are in fear we are in resistance to the truth. We are no longer in acceptance.
Facing the truth, allowing the pain, without moving to hide it or fix it, that's true acceptance...
As I say these words I am practicing them.
I have been practicing them staunchly and I have failed time and time again, I am human, we are human, and for the soul to give up whilst the body is going strong is not what we are here for, but we also must celebrate behaving like a human being and not be despondent if our days are not full of wise or moral actions, but get back up again.
My recent newsletters have spoken much about the "e;Grand Cross"e; that was exact on August 6th, this grand alignment in the sky has been building up since last September and intensified greatly from June 26th,. Now, supposedly easing off possible effects on the planet and our lives.
Some say that it is a preview of what happens in 2012, some say it affects Cancer's, Capricorn's, Libra's and Aries' more than anyone else, but affects us all, the world at large.
So what have we seen in the wider circle that is the world?
Fires in cold places like Russia- floods in dry places like Pakistan, the Tories and the Lib Dems teaming up- all this doesn't really go together does it?! Or does it? Is there an extreme re-balancing going on?
Bring your circle closer, your friends, your family, what is happening for them?
Any extremes? Any re-balancing?
Then bring it back to yourself - "How are you doing?"
I may be someone on the spiritual path but I am human. I may not be Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra, but I am part of the world. Since September my world has felt like a pressure cooker and this past month
finally bust the door off.
What about you?
I often talk of what has been going on in my life in these newsletters as I believe that true sharing from the heart helps others to grasp these words as "real" rather than a concept.
In my last newsletter, I spoke of my week the Arthur Findlay College, the top college in the world for psychic and mediumistic development. I entered there on 26th June- the day everything intensified. I lived in a psychic bubble for a week, likened only to Big Brother for mediums!
When I came out I had a very rude awakening to reality.
My husband and I are both self employed and both our work simultaneously screeched to a halt.
At the same time our tenancy agreement on our home was expiring, living in a tourist area at the height of summer meant there was nowhere to move to and even if there was we didn't have the money to do it. Our savings went in one week of paying our expenses, every bit of security wiped out just at a single click.
We were faced with the very real possibility of loosing all that we were attached to, any scrap of control was relinquished from our very hands and we were left with one decision only...
To live in fear, or to live in faith and bloody hell did I struggle.
I knew that real faith doesn't mean having faith that the universe will deliver to you what you want, only that it will deliver what you need and what if I needed to experience loosing my home? My family base? I struggled- I had had enough of receiving what I needed! I wanted what I wanted! I became bitter, I felt victimised, I felt life was sorely unfair, I felt I had fallen out with the universe and this meant I felt like a fake in my work, I had lost the faith, how could I help others to find it if I had lost it myself? So then I found myself in a catch 22 situation.
On the week approaching our last week to our tenancy annihilation, with still no money and nowhere to live Jon Bon Jovi arrived in my head- like he had found somewhere to crash free of charge- Lucky him!
He played "Keep the Faith" over and over again, it's not a song I own or know that well, but I actually didn't mind it for the first few days- I found it really helped actually!
I started to receive anonymous chain texts & emails about how everything is going to be OK if I just I just give it time, some were even signed by "in safe hands!" But despite all these very strong messages randomly appearing on my Blackberry and Bon Jovi shouting at me to keep the faith over and over again- I was still seriously struggling.
Give it Time?! We only had a week left! This is just asking too much!!
On good days I saw it as an amazing spiritual practice, one of acceptance of whatever happens, one that made us face our fears and see the illusions in the world for what they were which was incredibly freeing, but in my human days I struggled and made things worse for myself, unable to have a clear head enough to focus on manifesting the work, clouded and fogged with the fear and pain in myself and seeing how my pain was also affecting my family, then seeing the illusions and control present within that, the truth of every situation was painfully presented and a week before eviction date the door on my pressure cooker finally blew.
My husband sat with me and held me quietly, soothing me with love, I felt better after about ten minutes and tell him that Jon Bon Jovi had been replaced by Wilson Phillips!
(Another song I don't own or know that well!)
"I know that there is pain, but if you hold on for one more day, things'll change"
He asked me when that happened and I said "about 3 minutes ago"
"I asked God to help you about three minutes ago" he replied.
"Hold on for one more day" ;- well that's a bit more specific! Yes okay, I can do that...
The next day we managed to secure two more months on where we are living, taking us into a time of the year where houses come available, the work came back AND a company that ripped me off rang me and said that they were going to refund me my money which happened to mean I could pay the rent after all.
So what has all this been about?
I was shown all the illusions, all the pain, all the fear, I was shown the truth of situations, personally and professionally, and I emerged as if nothing ever happened professionally and immensely changed personally. I woke up. It hurt, I adjusted, faced what I saw and accepted.
I feel free from any attachment to how things "e;SHOULD' be, I feel aware of how fear, control and the ego keep us in the pain body and I woke up to how I increased that pain body in myself, my family and how I now go forward, with love and acceptance in my heart.
I ask, would I have felt the same if the universe hadn't have given me what I wanted?
If we actually had lost it all? and I feel that I can honestly say yes. I believe this is why everything shifted at the last minute. Because it no longer needed for it to go that far...
So, "How are you doing?" Are you attached to your fears? Are you controlled by control? Is your ego standing in the way of love? If so celebrate being human! But also help yourself be free...
Your worth it...At the risk of sounding like a hippy! :-/ Love really is all you need....
Byron Katie's Work is incredibly freeing: access it here:
Also up in the same line I put my valued friend Simon, access his site to see our recent interviews:
Below is a list of things to help you live through the rain...
Keep the faith...
Love and blessings
Tiffany x
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