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Mikao Usui - Creator & Channeller of Reiki
We all are all different and when it comes to Spiritual work, this is at it’s most evident.
The way I teach, as this is the topic I am really talking about here, is right for me and those that are drawn to work with me.
Why do I feel the need to re-affirm this? I suppose because in some ways I am changing what I offer and this is an opportunity for me to see if my values are still fitting what I do, but additionally to allow others to see what I do.
I believe firmly in teaching the basics well, and giving on going support. It is my aim, as I am sure it is with all teachers, to give you the framework about which to build your own work, so that you can move forward into your own Mastery.
I teach traditional Usui Reiki and my lineage goes back to Usui. For me this is important. Like a torch passed from one Master to the next, I now hold a flame which is the one he held. One that I can pass forward to others. Additionally I have personally had face to face training and tutelage. This is important I feel to learn properly, but I feel any energy work done by distance remains just that; we need to remember that we are human first and foremost and so our healing must be physical. I feel this can only be achieved by my physical attunement of another’s energies.
However I also teach out the techniques that I have been shown for the last few years which are self-developed and developed with Spirit’s help. This is essential learning for the current era we work in and the awakening that is happening. My work, I would think like other Master’s out there, is unlike anyone else’s. Would Usui be happy for his work to be changed? The fact is that there are many facets of the current traditional system of Reiki which are not original. Including the hand positions over the chakras. This was added very early by Hayashi. And so the healing develops.
I teach Reiki 1 over 1 day, not the traditional two days for several reasons. It will cost less as I have to charge for one day of my time, people find it easier to spare one day rather than a full weekend. It does mean a lot of work on one day, but I feel this way that it will enable more people to learn to heal. A step closer to my dream of everyone on the planet being able to heal. For some they will point out that you need to two days to make sure everyone has got the message. For me this is not essential, as I offer Healing Shares and Circles and am always there for those who learn through me.
Additionally I do not teach Reiki 1 and 2 together. This is the traditional way to do it, and I feel it is important to continue this for several reasons. Because the attunements increase your vibrational energy quickly, two sets too close together could cause you issues in. Either the increase will be too much too quickly and your body will reject the second one, which will result in you needing to be attuned again for Reiki 2. Or your body will accept the attunement. If you have emotional or physical imbalances you may suffer from a healing crisis which will pack your healing into a couple of months, rather than a few months and you will feel ill and exhausted. Also Reiki is life changing. Pushing the life changes needed for both Reiki 1 and 2 into a shorter time, rather than allowing the changes in your life to take several months or even years. This can leave people with dramatic changes in friends, relationships, work and family. And that can leave practitioners at a loss with Spirit as to why they have been put though what they have. ‘Well’ says the Universe ‘you wanted to be fast tracked . . . ‘
How many of us progressed from student to being let loose on our own after a weekend? It is no different with Spiritual work and healing. A period of apprenticeship is a wonderful thing, and something I personally relished. And as a couple of clients have said ‘I don’t want to pay someone

Jesus - Master, Healer, Teacher, Preacher
to heal me, who last week knew nothing’. It’s an important period of learning, confidence building and deepening your own Spiritual journey.
I work with moving students through the attunements at their pace. Providing you put the work in there is no reason why you can’t move forward to Reiki 2 quite quickly. I never hold back on students, and to be honest have never found that I have had to disagree with students as to their pathway. I have put my trust in the Universe that the right people will always come to me, and indeed they do! For which I am grateful.
And now I come to having my very own version of Reiki given to me! yeay! In the vein of those before me, I have been working Beyond my Reiki teachings for years. What’s the point of tapping into a lukewarm pipe for the bath, when you can have it steaming hot and with bubbles?
Is it right? For others, there will always be no other way apart from what they were taught. I understand that respect and that way of thinking. It is vital that we do no loose the principles on which Reiki was founded.
For me, having Jesus come to me, as a healer, who himself studied with the Vedics, Yogis and the Buddhists in his time, (just as Usui studied the Indian Sutras in his own time), with information to heal me, and then to use with others. Information Spirit gives us is not to be hidden, even if it is done with the best intentions of respect for tradition.
In the same way you would have been told by your Nan that it was a sin not to use your God given talents, as felt it was wrong not to pass this new information out.
So those of you who have come to work with me over the last few years will have had bits and pieces which were different (and that will always continue; I will never be able to teach out ‘standard’ healing). But this was something more than the odd hint, tip or direction here and there.
It felt more substantial. And when I realised it was a healing modality all of it’s own, Usui himself sat with my while we were looking at the symbols (ethereally of course!).
What really sealed it for me from both of these Masters, in terms of respect and approval of what I was doing, was a meditation exercise I was facilitating for others and therefore totally unexpected, was the kindly telling off Jesus gave me. ‘You have to take credit for this. You created this. It came from you. We helped, but then why wouldn’t we Sister? You are a Master just as the same as us. Accept your Mastery’. And beside him Usui bowed. I was humbled but at the same time gave me total faith in what I was doing, and in myself. The latter has always been a big thing for me. If they believed in me, maybe I should start doing the same ey?
I will continue to develop and learn as long as I am able. It is in my blood; part of my very being. I cannot stagnate. I have never followed the crowd; I’ve always followed my curiosity which allows me to wander into the field over the hill. So Heaven only knows where my healing and teaching will go in future.
I would love to think that some of those I work with will do exactly the same thing. See where the healing needs to change or adapt; or seeing holes that they know how to feel. Or maybe even a full on download of alien technology or techniques (wouldn’t that be fab?!).
Those of you looking for a teacher, looking to learn for yourself I always suggest balance. Don’t buy into flashy sales lines and glossy posters. Take a minute to centre yourself and see who you feel drawn to (have you crossed paths with someone for a reason? Do you like the look or feel of someone? Do you feel like you already know them?). Then do some research. Ask others who you know heal as to someone’s reputation. Ask the teacher how they learned and how they teach. Look online for what others may say about them. Using your logic and your instincts will always give the best results.
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